In Guyana, a schoolgirl burned down a boarding school, avenging a phone taken away by teachers

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
29 May 2023

As a result, 18 children died, and nine rescued are in the hospital with burns.

Last Sunday, a horrendous fire claimed the lives of 19 children aged 12 to 18 - all living in a boarding school at a school in the South American border town of Mahdia.

The fire was set by one of the students. She was angry that the teachers took away her phone. This was done for educational purposes, but the schoolgirl got angry and promised to take revenge.

The girl started a fire in the bathroom - as a result, the entire building burned down.

Not everyone managed to escape. The situation was complicated by the fact that the bedroom doors in which the children lived were locked at night so that the girls would not run away "AWOL". The head of the boarding school, having woken up from the fire that had begun, in a panic did not immediately realize that she needed to hurry to open the doors, then she searched for the keys for a long time. This oversight led to the fact that her five-year-old son, who spent the night in the building, also died in the fire along with the pupils.

Firefighters managed to help only 38 students, while the rest burned out because of the stupid revenge of the girl.

Later it turned out that she had an affair with an adult man, and the teachers wanted to protect her from this relationship by taking away her phone and locking her in a room for the night. The arsonist herself was not hurt. Whether she was charged with the arson that killed so many children is not reported. However, the city authorities said that the man who had a relationship with this avenger would be charged with rape, because. underage girl. The country called for the creation of a special commission that would check all school institutions for fire safety, tk. there is an assumption that boarding schools are not equipped with the necessary means of fighting fire, and students simply do not know how to act in case of fire.

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