The mystery of the cursed table at which 17 people died (5 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
17 May 2023

When can an item be called cursed? Usually he is called such, if strange things happen around him, not amenable to no explanation. Or mysterious incidents happen next to him, that go beyond mere coincidences.

Although some people will say that just believe in the power of a curse that can bring bad luck or misfortune. After all, there are many things in the world that superstitious people believe damned.

"Black Jake"

At The Delta Saloon in Virginia City, Nevada an ancient table is kept, which now acts as an exhibit. To visitors inadvertently did not touch it and were not cursed, around a fence is installed on it, and the tabletop is covered with a glass dome.

It was made around 1850 and originally stood at Faro Casino. There the table earned a reputation for being unlucky. The thing is, that whoever sat down for him, he would certainly lose all his money, so he was shunned and the owner had to sell the table.

In 1860, a buyer known as "Black Jake" brought him in Virginia City and set up at his house, sometimes inviting friends play poker. A year later, he lost everything he had for him, and the next day he was found dead right at the table. The man is done with yourself.

Other victims

Then this table went to David Libs - the same person who who beat Black Jake. But as soon as the man carried him to home, as misfortunes began to happen to his family.

It all ended with the fact that in 1863 the whole family of 5 people was found dead at this table. How will the forensic experts determine cyanide was the cause of their death.

The next owner of the table, whose name has not been preserved, also died under very mysterious circumstances. He, like "Black Jake", used it to play with my friends. And it's almost over Also....

"The Delta Salon"

In 1871 the table was purchased by the owner of The Delta Saloon". He installed it in the corner of the establishment, allowing visitors to play follow him to the cards. The curse was not long in coming.

The next victim of the table was Charlie Stockton, who lost for one evening $70,000. After that, he pulled out a pistol from his holster and shot himself. Some sources report that the man was taken to the hospital, but it was not possible to save him, after a few days he died.

This death was followed by several more unfortunate cases. People became afraid of the table, and the owner had to put it in basement. After that, they forgot about him for a good 70 years.

Last victim

In 1989, The Delta Saloon got a new owner, George Grice, who drew attention to the beautiful carved table that stood idle in the basement. Not knowing his story, he put him back in the saloon.

A year later, a man named Scott Johnson showed up. He offered the owner of the establishment to play for the golden ring, but in the end the men were so dispersed that they played all night.

By morning, it turned out that Grice had lost absolutely everything: the house, saloon and some horses. Right after the joyful Johnson came out beyond the threshold of his now saloon, he heard a shot. Former owner committed suicide.


As they say, many people played at this table. Somebody won, someone lost, but almost all of them said that experienced a strange feeling that someone else was sitting at the table - an invisible player who helped one and hindered the other.

Corner in "The Delta Saloon", which is dedicated to the "Cursed Table"

One way or another, now this table is a real relic, which people from all over America come to see.

And who knows, maybe the ghosts of the old table owners before still sitting there, waiting for a daredevil who dares to play with them on own life...

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