15 Stories About Nasty Celebs From Disappointed Fans (16 Photos)

17 May 2023

No wonder they say that you should not meet your idols: in At best, they will turn out to be ordinary people, and at worst, they will be arrogant and insufferable brutes. Well, if you believe the stories from social networks, Certainly.

1. “This is my ex-boyfriend’s story, but I think it fits. under request. He went to meet Adam Savage from The Breakers myths." My ex is not a tall boyfriend. Adam made his way through the crowd turned to look at someone, CHARGED my ex with his elbow face and continued to walk as if nothing had happened. And then it was even better! My ex went to another meeting for a different reason hoping for this one talk to Adam in person and get an autograph and an apology for the past once. Adam stepped on his foot on the way to the stage. After that my ex forever hated Adam Savage. My ex was emotional abuser with a severe case of narcissism, so Adam Savage is forever will remain my hero for hitting him in the face with my elbow."

2. “I have never had a bad experience with anyone I I consider them my idols. But my best childhood friend has a similar the meeting went so badly that he ended almost 20 years on the spot fanaticism. He worked in one of the big shoe stores and won competition to attend an event with NBA stars. There he met by many players and managers, current and former, and overall excellent spent time. Until I met Michael Jordan. Friend collected shoes, and he had absolutely all of Jordan's shoes at the time, original and reissues. About 30 pairs if counting different colors. His room was decorated with numerous posters, T-shirts, collectible cards, merch of all types. He saw Jordan and decided to just stand there near until he finishes talking to someone, and quickly introduce himself and to exchange a few words, no photo, no autograph, just say hello. Jordan ends the conversation, my friend walks up to him and Jordan asks him, roughly speaking, who he is and what he wants, and in general acting like an asshole. My friend just tells him he's big fan, and it was great to finally meet him. Jordan in response says something like: “Yeah, whatever you say” and leaves. friend came home and started selling off his entire collection of shoes and related items. Jordan. He had heard similar stories before and thought that people were just exaggerated or invented. No, Jordan is really an asshole. real life".

3. “It wasn't a bad meeting, just awkward. To me had a chance to meet Karl Urban on horseback, he was very friendly and all that, but I was so nervous that I could barely put the two words together (English is not my native language and that also played a part). Also me had to wait a little, because he went to the toilet right when it was my turn, so I just stood there and waited. Actually he like he was trying to start a conversation, but I just giggled awkwardly, as if all the English phrases and words that I knew. Damn embarrassment. In the afternoon I went to the bar Q&A, and it was really funny and interesting, so I think in general he's a cool guy. It's just that I'm too awkward :/"

4. “Ryan Reynolds. I know he's Deadpool and a favorite Twitter, but he was a real asshole when he gave us interviews. This was way back in 2009. He had an interview scheduled for a promotion movie. It was in Toronto, where it's damn cold outside in February. His fans lined up outside the building around 6 a.m., and Ryan was supposed to give an interview at 8. Every time fans catch a glimpse of him noticed they were going crazy. Ryan Reynolds is absolutely not interested in his own fans, he did not bother to go out, and although somehow acknowledge their existence. I was then an assistant and told him, that he can talk to fans before the interview if he wants to. He even He didn't look up, he just said, "No." He dealt with most film crew like shit and left early. He is talented dude, he may have had a bad day, but he didn't look stressed - just typical prima donna behavior that I can't stand."

5. “A friend of mine used to work in college drawing comics. Thanks to this, every time when some kind of comic con, he was given a hundredface - usually somewhere at the end of the hall, but it could take us for free, saying that we were his assistants. One day it the table stood in the far corner, by the door through which the guests of the congress entered and exited the main hall. Walter Koenig was the guest of honor that year. (Chekhov from Star Trek). As he prepared to enter the main hall for Q&A, he was standing at my friend's desk, waiting for the announcement. We tried say hello to him and my friend told him how much he meant to him Star Trek when he was little but Koenig just ignored his. Moreover, he treated him rather dismissively - he looked down on him, etc. In general, Koenig finishes the Q&A and comes back, trying to slip through the door unnoticed. When he passes by, my friend gets up and shouts: “Hey, look! It's Chekhov! After that, all the fans in the room immediately pounce on the man. He is not could move, no matter how he tried to break through the crowd. was good day".

6. “My best friend works in a luxury taxi and once drove Ed Sheeran at his concert. Ed gets into his car, my friend says hello with him, he does not even greet in response. A friend tells him a few seconds later: "Hello, my name is ... Today I am your driver, and I I'm sorry, but I can't help but tell you that I really like your music, and it's a great honor for me to take you to your concert." Fucking Ed stares blankly at him, says, "I don't care," and puts on the headphones. How are you You can guess my best friend hasn't liked him since."

7. “Many years ago my grandfather worked as a bartender in a very an expensive hotel in my hometown. Once there looked Mick Jagger. My grandfather didn't know much about the Rolling Stones, but he knew that the rest of the members families are big fans, so when serving him at the bar, asked for an autograph. Jagger didn't say anything, but wrote something on napkin. When my grandfather looked at it, he read "Fuck you." There wasn't even an autograph. U *** act, I think.

8. “I had a poster of Cameron Diaz hanging on my wall as a kid. I I always thought that there was no one better than her. Then I met her and she turned out to be rude, arrogant and made me get out of the elevator in which I was already standing so that she could climb it alone. We went for the same same event. Later, when we were introduced by a mutual friend, she made the appearance that this incident with the elevator stupidly did not happen. All this made me think she's always like that. She is sexy, of course, but I would go to her and didn't come close."

9. “Oh, I have a funny story ... Many years ago I was on Blondie concert and I was allowed to go backstage with my friend, who worked at a talent marketing agency. Debbie Harry was chatting with someone in the group and we didn't want to disturb her, so a friend asked another member of the group if I could take a photo with him. I have with it was a pretty good camera. It was almost twenty years ago so the camera was with a roll of film inside. The guy from the group was not against, so I took a picture of him with my friend in the foreground and Debbie in background. As soon as I took the picture, Debbie just lashed out at me! I explained the situation, but she got mad and said she would call the police if I don't immediately give her the tape, and, they say, "Are you going to jail wanted!?! I asked what she thought the cops should send me for to jail. She added decibels in response and let's repeat: “Give me her! Give me that damn tape!” over and over. At this moment I I think - yes, once it was Debbie Harry, but now it's just some crazy, and I have the right to stupidly not interact with crazy, so I start backing away just to get away. At once she starts screaming like she's been stabbed or something. Just a loud, high-pitched, continuous scream. There are two huge boyfriend, and she tells them to take my camera away, in exactly the same tone, how queens usually say "Head off his shoulders!". These two healthy guys say: "Give us the camera, or you will be in trouble." Then I I pull out my phone and say: "OK, I'm calling the police." Apparently my the tone worked because the person I thought was the manager Debbie came over and said, “Okay, here's what we'll do. We will buy from you this film. How much do you want for her?" I say, “Well, I don't know. I have there are a couple of good photos there. Maybe a hundred pounds for a moral damage?". Without flinching, he pulls out his wallet and, I don't know if he misheard, or just not mindno counting but he pulls out a whole pack fifty-pound notes and counts ten fifty-pound notes aloud. banknotes, which he then gives me. It's so much more than what I asked for so I'm already completely freaking out, I just open the camera and give it to him film. End. Every time I hear a Blondie song now, I I wonder what pissed her off so much and why that guy so much paid me for the tape."

10. “When I was 15 or 16, I was obsessed with New Kids on the Block and miraculously they came to my hometown in Mexico. I got a ticket, just started crying on the shoulder of a stranger girls in front of me and then... Donnie fucking Wahlberg tried get the Hispanic crowd to sing along to him, and we couldn't because, Well, we speak Spanish. Donnie got mad and yelled at us, "Let's go you are on ***!!!” Most did not understand him, so we continued applauding and shouting joyfully, and I stood stunned and heartbroken. I stayed until the end of the concert, but as soon as I returned home I got rid of from NKOTB posters and stopped loving them. Fuck you Donny piece".

11. “As a child, I loved science and constantly watched the program "Bill Nye is a scientist prankster." He signed autographs at the Science Center St. Louis, I was about 8 or 10 years old and I was damn glad opportunity to meet him. Mom bought me a dinosaur poster for him to sign. I waited about 5 minutes in line just to to see an extremely fucked up, annoyed Bill Nye. Told him that I really like his show and that I dream of becoming a paleontologist, when I grow up. He literally said under his breath, "Yeah, whatever you say, guy,” signed my poster and said out loud, “NEXT!”. It's not me especially hurt, but I remember my mother said: “Ha, but he is still ass, huh?" To be fair, he didn't just sign the poster, he also credited "Follow your dream" or something like that. I give Bill the benefit of the doubt in this matter; think he it was just boring and he was tired of signing autographs for small children several hours in a row. If I were in his place, I would be tired too!

12. “My buddy is a big Batman fan and they dragged him for one meeting with Val Kilmer with a Q&A session. Val acted like unreal ass while my buddy was trying to ask him a question. I am everything heard for a while that he was terribly rude to his fans, but now I have first hand information.

13. “When my friend and I were 17-18 years old, we went to record release of the show X-Factor. Demi Lovato (Disney Channel star and one of the judges in this show) was driving out of the studio parking lot and my friend just said to her: "God, I love you so much, you saved my life." Demi was terribly angry said "Get the fuck off me" in a tone of complete b*tch and stupidly left. She has bipolar, but after that she categorically stopped liking my friend, just broke his heart."

14. “I met Michael Jordan at the grocery store in Chicago a few years ago. I told him how great it is to meet him personally, but I don't want to be an asshole and bother him by asking take a picture or something like that. He said, "So, how is it now?" I was in shock and barely managed to squeeze out "Huh?" as he began interrupt me, repeating “Huh? A? A?" and waving my hand in front of me face. I walked away and went back to my shopping, and I heard him laughing at behind me. When I arrived at the checkout, I saw him trying walk out the door with fifteen Milky Way bars in hand, not paying. The girl at the checkout was very nice and professional and just said, "Sir, you need to pay first." At first he pretended to tired and did not hear her, but in the end he turned around and brought them to checkout. When she only took one of the bars to scan several times, he stopped her and told her to scan each separately, "to prevent any electrical interference", and then he turned and winked at me. I'm not sure there is such a term at all exists. After she scanned each bar, she put them in a bag and started to name the price, but he kept interrupting her, yawning very loudly.

15. “I don’t know if it was real or not, but in 2010 year, when I was 9 years old, I sent a message to Ariana Grande via Facebook; she twhen she starred in the TV series "Victorious". I said I was a big fan of hers and she called me a dumb bitch. I became very upset, and I unsubscribed from her. Lol."

<img src=" https://cn22.nevsedoma.com.ua/p/26/2657/1611_files/2d219e1afd6273c986619167c5390313.jpg"

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