All-seeing hands: the story of a ballerina who became famous due to illness (9 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
12 May 2023

Vision is perhaps the most important of the senses. Because thanks to him we see the beauty of this world, learn, enjoy the works art, we get the bulk of the information, we admire the faces of relatives.

Losing him is very scary. But the story of this woman is bright An example of never giving up. Polina Mikhailovna Gorenstein was born in 1899. The girl grew plastic and flexible, so she took up choreography. At the same time, Lina was fascinated sculpture. She seemed to feel the very essence of clay, seeing in advance in it beauty. She even went to collect it on the river bank.

Before illness

The matured girl begins to perform in the theaters of Kyiv and Kharkov under the pseudonym Lina Po. And then he moves to Moscow. In 1934 she contracted encephalitis. Hard. She got eye problems. AND the doctor, trying to cheer up the patient, advised her to think about some other occupation. After all, about the career of a ballerina after the loss vision must be forgotten.

And the woman returned to the passion of her youth. was to remember difficult. Yes, and blindness was very depressing. But still step by step Lina overcame the pain in the fingers, which were difficult to obey after the illness, and sculpted again and again.


Somehow her work was seen by the artist and artist Mikhail Nesterov. And he was so impressed by the expression of Lina's creations that he promised her glory. And he turned out to be right: in 1946, the first exhibition took place in Moscow works by Po. Their total number exceeded 70. The works received a response from critics, and from other representatives of the creative environment.

Sculptures By

When the author was asked about how she manages to achieve such depth of images, she answered that music gives her inspiration. And heroes from books. And sometimes the future creation comes in a dream. You just need to be on time to catch an elusive image and imprint it in clay.


The sculptor had an eidetic memory - her special variety that allows you to reproduce in great detail information. It is also called photographic, but in the absence of opportunities to see how, in the case of Lina, other perception methods: auditory, tactile, gustatory, motor.

Lina Mikhailovna was accepted into the Union of Artists. Commission members were surprised and did not even believe, considering her work, that this woman completely blind.

She did not stand aside in the face of a common misfortune: when the war began, the woman was evacuated to Ufa, where she wove camouflage technology networks. And already in peaceful life, Lina Mikhailovna made dolls for children's theatre.

Unfortunately, health after suffering encephalitis never fully recovered. And the sculptor passed away at the age 48 years old, leaving the world about 120 works and an example of fortitude and ability survive the trials of life, passing your way with dignity and beauty.

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