russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for May 1

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
2 May 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Ukrainian Su-25 aircraft with 127-mm Zuni missiles supplied by the USA.

- Ukrainian volunteers are developing a "folk" combat missile "Trembita".

Designers plan to create a small cruise missile with a pulse jet engine aimed at air defense systems.

Weight: 100 kg

Warhead: 20 kg

Range: 140+ km

Speed: 400+ km/h

- Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov:

From today we are entering the finish line before the counteroffensive.

- "May Day alarm clock of the Russian Federation".

This is how British Ambassador to Ukraine Melinda Simmons called the nighttime missile attack on Ukraine.

During the shelling, all air targets in the Kiev region were destroyed, information about the destruction and casualties throughout the country is being specified.

- In the Dnipropetrovsk region, 25 people were injured due to a rocket attack, including three children.

19 high-rise buildings and 25 private houses damaged in Pavlograd. Seven rockets were shot down, the OVA said.

- The Russians were upset because of the unsuccessful "retaliation strikes" against Ukraine.

Red-haired tg-channels complain that after the missile attack of the army of terrorists in none of the regions of Ukraine was reported an emergency power outage.

- Ukraine will show how weak Russia is in the new counteroffensive, — The Guardian.

Fighters are constantly ( training and have experienced hard fights before, while they indicate the need for further training and an increase in the supply of ammunition in order for the counteroffensive to be successful.

- Poland is completing the construction of an electronic barrier on the border with Belarus, — PAP.

There are already 206 km of fencing (,1567371,granica-polsko-bialoruska-budowa-zapory-elektronicznej-dobiega-konca.html) – it consists of camera systems and motion sensors. Only 150 m are missing on the last stretch.

- The UN overwhelmingly adopted a resolution requiring the Russian Federation to withdraw troops from Ukraine.

China, India, Armenia, Hungary and the Arab countries also voted for it.

- British doctors and scientists trained artificial intelligence to effectively detect cancer — The Guardian.

AI determines ( whether an abnormal mass detected on a CT scan is malignant. According to the publication, he does this with high efficiency, which in the future may help to detect cancer at an early stage.

- In Ukraine, they want to introduce a tax to finance additional payments to the military.

Three bills have been registered in the Supreme Paradise, which provide for the introduction ( of an excise tax on the minimum retail prices for alcoholic drinks. tax rateand will be 10%, said the author of the projects Georgy Mazurashu.

- Residents of the United States demand that support for Ukraine be limited to one or two years, — Brookings Institution poll.

In the United States ( the number of those who do not believe in victory over the Russian Federation is growing. Only 26% remain optimistic towards us.

- Relatives of the People's Deputy of the Poroshenko Party Oleksiy Goncharenko were caught in raiding and corruption.

SBU handed suspicion to Lesya and Nikolai Derevianko. First – second cousin Goncharenko, and her husband Nikolai – Deputy of the Odessa Regional Council from the EU party

People's Deputy's Relatives Tried to Spin a Scheme on Appropriation of Almost 300 Hectares of "Fat" coastal land in Zatoka (the property of JSC "Ukrposhta") in the Odessa region and more than 129 million hryvnia of public funds. Now they face jail time.

- The West has crept closer to Putin: Finland will allow the US to place its military bases in the country.

The Defense Cooperation Agreement between Finland and the United States will provide for ( the possibility of the presence of American servicemen and military equipment on Finnish territory, as well as military exercises.

- Warsaw will make every effort during the presidency of the EU Council in the first half of 2025, so that Ukraine and Moldova become members of the EU, — President of Poland.

"This needs to be caught up (,nId,6751627#crp_state=1), and that's why I think that no one else but us – Poland – should firmly and very decisively say: we must finally admit them to the EU. The countries of the Western Balkans must be admitted. Today, the historical demand of the moment is the admission of Ukraine and Moldova to the EU" , – he emphasized.

- Switzerland will not allow the re-export of its weapons to Ukraine until the Parliament makes an appropriate decision.

The country's permanent representative to the UN Pascal Christina Beriswil stated this. From today Switzerland chairs the UN Security Council, replacing Russia.

- It's time to boycott Jameson: Ukrainian ambassador to Ireland calls to abandon famous whiskey because of trade with Russia, — RTE.

Earlier, ( Jameson, owned by France's Pernod Ricard, resumed sales in Russia, saying it was "fully compliant with all international sanctions."

Jameson said it made this decision to protect its workers in Russia.

- Did you order a negative promotion?

Prigozhin himself has already let slip that his cocks are somehow not moving very successfully.

- Putin was beaten by pro-Ukrainian and LGBT activists at a rally near the monument to Zhirinovsky in Minecraft.

Users of social networks organized their rally on the LDPR server — where supporters of the party celebrated May Day today. First, an OMON officer arrived there — they started beating him. Then a player with Putin's skin appeared at the monument — he was attacked by pro-Ukrainian and LGBT activists.

Waiting for a new «minecraft» FSB case.

Photo: Telegram-channel «LOM»

- 26-year-old American volunteer Cooper Andrews died in Bakhmut. "Killed by Russian troops while protecting evacuees," wrote journalist Jake Hanrahan

- Anti-war picture in Moscow

- "My mental health is protected by front-line cats. By the way, I took this one with me." - reporter Nadiyka Blomqvist

- "Detention and arrest of Prigozhin and his accomplices is only a matter of time. But judging by the sources, this can happen in Russia before the end of spring."

- Marinka, the city of which does not exist

- In the Kursk region, the security forces are putting pressure on the mother of the artist Andrei Semkin, who left Russia: they demand that he come to them to draw up a protocol for anti-war work. "The word of the officer that they will not put them in jail and will issue a fine" "OVD Info"

- Why did they warn him? They had such a chance!

- In the Bryansk region, a train loaded with oil products and lumber went off the rails and caught fire. Local governor claims sabotage with explosives

- Rossmedia boast that the Russians managed to hit military targets in Pavlograd (warehouses and air defense. But in reality, they ended up in a chemical plant, where 38 old Soviet RT-23 interballistic missiles with tons of rocket fuel were stored for decommissioning. Explosions damaged nearby residential areas

- Medvedev sits on a heavy hike

- Well, they blew it up and blew it up. Why bawl then?

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