One of the Siamese twins found a boyfriend, and the second considers herself asexual (6 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
2 May 2023

At the same time, the girls have different heads, and the reproductive system is one for two.

Siamese twins were born 22 years ago in Mexico. Certainly, the life of Lupita and Carmen could hardly be called easy both physically and psychological plan. Girls have a common pelvis, reproductive and circulatory systems, liver, but heads - 2. Each of them has one of its own hand and foot. In childhood, the little ones had to attend therapy courses and rehabilitation, to learn how to control the body, and they began to walk only four years old.

The twins were born in Latin America and raised in Connecticut. But even considering that the United States is more developed than Mexico, medicine, there was never any talk of separating the twins. too big risk of fatal outcome, given the number of common organs and one per two circulatory system.

Despite a bunch of health problems, the girls grew up open and sociable. They willingly go to the cinema, clubs and do not shy away communication with peers.

Moreover, one of them, Carmen, found a boyfriend. Young woman registered on a dating site. She didn't hide what she was. Siamese twin, and she had to fend off fetishists and lovers of sex with the disabled. Daniel was the first man who did not ask questions about the features of physiology, but just started talking to Carmen like a normal girl.

At the same time, Carmen says that they have sexual relations with Daniel is not. They are close spiritually, but are considering engagement. "At first would like to live together. We love children, but we don't want our own." Actually in fact, Carmen simply will not be able to get pregnant because of hormone blockers, which she has to take, and diseases of the reproductive system.

How does Lupita feel at the same time, because it is impossible for her stay away from sister relationship? She considers herself asexual but with a guy Carmen gets along. Moreover, if the sister is asleep, Lupita may chat with Daniel about everything in the world.

The sisters say that people often perceive them openness as an opportunity to learn about some intimate details of life. TO For example, twins are asked how they go to the toilet or exercise having sex and asking other tactless questions. "But you must remember: we are not just Siamese twins, we are people," remind Carmen and Lupita.

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