25 fastest animals on the planet (26 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
2 May 2023

The fauna of our planet is rich, and it is extremely interesting study. Some animals amaze with their unique features, power and agility. Let's take a look at the fastest animals, fish and birds - starting with those who run not so fast, and ending with absolute speed record holders.

25. Gorillas are not that fast runners. They can develop speed 32 km per hour. But usually they move on four legs with speed 10-11 km/h

24. Chimpanzees can quickly move through trees, deftly clinging to branches and reaching speeds of up to 34 km/ h

23. Elephants can reach speeds of up to 40 km/ h when running on short distances. Their typical running speed for an elephant is 24 km/h.

22. Moose run faster. They develop a speed of 45 km/ h, but also for short distances. But at a distance longer than their usual speed is 32-40 km/h

21. Giant pandas are great at climbing trees, swimming, and running at a maximum speed of 40 km/h.

20. Black and white rhinos can run at speeds up to 48 km/h for short distances.

19. Next - gray kangaroos. First of all, they are known for their incredible jumping ability, and at one time they can jump 9 m. During running kangaroo develops a speed of 56 km/ h

18. Blue wildebeest run short distances with speed up to 64 km/h. And yet - these animals are known for their large migrations, when hundreds of individuals travel long distances in search of water and fresh pastures

17. Wolves are pretty fast runners and can develop speed up to 56 km/h for short distances. Basically at this speed. they run while hunting. Wolves also cover long distances in searching for food and territory

16. Greyhound or English greyhound - one of the fastest dogs in the world. They can develop a speed of 72 km/ h. them for centuries bred for hunting and still used in horse racing or just kept like pets

15. Ostriches are the largest of the birds. They have long, powerful legs, and they can run at speeds up to 72 km/h even on long distances

14. Thomson's gazelle can run at a speed of 80 km/h. Except In addition, these gazelles are known for their agility, and live in the savannas East Africa

13. Gyrfalcons are the largest and strongest falcons. During the flight, they can develop a speed of 64-80 km/ h

12. The next ones are zebras. Their maximum running speed is about 80 km per hour. While running from a predator, they can sharply turn or stop abruptly, making it difficult for him to

11. North American pronghorns are known for their speed and endurance. These antelopes can run for short distances at speeds up to 89 km/h. The speed of their running on large distances - 48 km/h

10. White-winged porpoise can swim at maximum speed 89 km/h. At the same time, their usual speed is about 37 km per hour, and they are constantly in rapid motion

9. Although the average speed of a horse is 15-18 km/h, some breeds can reach speeds up to 88 km per hour. Thoroughbred horses, for example, known for speed and often used in horse racing

8. Blackbuck or markhorn antelope lives in grasslands and savannahs India and Nepal. They are very fast, and are able to reach speeds up to 80-96 km/h

7. Sailboat fish are fast and active predators, and can reach speeds up to 100 km/ h. These fish live in the open ocean, but they can be found near the coast and in bays

6. Another fast fish is black marlin. Their speed in hunting time often exceeds 100km/h. They are large and the fastest marlin - and possibly all other inhabitants of the ocean

5. Cheetahs are considered the fastest land animals. Their maximum speed - 120 km/ h. They have a unique body structure (flexible spine, tenacious claws, large nostrils), thanks to which they run at such high speeds

4. Frigate seabirds fly at a maximum speed of 150 km/h. Pointy wings and forked tail make their flight even more faster

3. The needle-tailed swift is a fast and agile bird. Their speed rapid flight can be up to 160 km/ h. They live in Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands

2. In second place is the golden eagle. These birds of prey dives can fly at a speed of 320 km/ h. This happens during prey capture

1. The peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world, capable of an incredible speed of up to 389 km/h during a dive.

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