15 strange requirements of film studios and actors (16 photos)

23 April 2023

It often happens that celebrities put forward the strangest requirements in their contracts. But sometimes the opposite happens - for example, film studios force actors to do something unusual or require fulfill strange clauses in the contract. This collection contains the strangest the requirements of film companies and the actors themselves in Hollywood.

1. Tom Cruise forbids his colleagues to run with him in the frame

Actress Annabelle Wallis once shared this after filming the film "The Mummy", where she played with Tom Cruise. She said, that the actor has a strange preference - he forbids his colleagues to run with him in the frame. But for Wallis, he made an exception, allegedly seeing her on treadmill. "It was cooler than getting an Oscar. I was happy! I ran with Tom Cruise in the frame!” – said the actress.

2. During the filming of Lincoln (2012), director Steven Spielberg did not call any of the actors by their real names. He addressed them only by the names of their characters

For example, the actor playing the lead role of Lincoln, Daniel Day-Lewis, the director called "Mr. President". Spielberg also every day he wore a suit to fit into the atmosphere of the film. "Because in movie we were recreating a piece of history, I didn't want to look like sloppy guy in a cap. I wanted to match the cast, "- Spielberg said in an interview.

3. Earlier in Hollywood, actors who played married couples were not allowed to sleep in the same bed. This rule is also acted on acting couples who were married in real life

For example, actors Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz, who were married in life, the screen did not sleep in the same bed. These strict rules introduced after the premiere of the film "I am not an angel" in 1933.

4. During the filming of the movie "Avengers: Endgame" actor Tom Holland was banned from reading the script - except for his own lines

Holland was not even shown the names of the characters he should talk on set. According to co-director Joe Russo, this was done because "it's hard for him to keep his mouth shut."

5. Actress Bella Thorne said that on the set of the film Disney's "dance fever" required her to use more high voice

The creators felt that the natural low voice of the actress would repel young viewers.

6 Actress Lucille Faye LeSuere Had To Change Her Name on Joan Crawford at the request of the film company Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

The actress did it at the insistence of the head of the company, Louis Mayer, who thought that it sounds like "sewer" (sewerage). However, the actress herself did not like her name, so she changed it. no problem.

7. Universal literally made actor Rock Hudson marry Phyllis Gates, his agent's secretary, because the studio was so profitable

8. And actress Jean Harlow was banned from MGM married. It was one of the clauses of her contract, so as not to spoil sexy beauty image

9. Actress Rebel Wilson's Pitch Perfect contract forbade her from losing or gaining more than 5 kilos.

10. The creators of Goldeneye, where Pierce Brosnan played James Bond, banned him from wearing a tuxedo in any other films

11. The contract with "Game of Thrones" forbade Kit Harington cut hair - they had to be long for the time of filming. This the actor did not like the requirement

In one of the interviews, he admitted that he wants to cut his long hair as soon as possible.

12 RKO Pictures Banned Actress Katharine Hepburn wear trousers. Then,in the 50s, it was considered a controversial piece of clothing for women

They even removed all the jeans from her dressing room at the studio. However, the actress did not reconcile herself - in response, she came to the shooting in one underwear, and later her pants were returned.

13. On the set of the Indian film "Someone's Brother, Someone's Life" actor Salman Khan was sensitive to what clothes the female actresses were wearing

He could notice, for example, a too deep neckline, and demanded to change clothes. "Salman is a traditionalist. He always wanted women to be safe. Especially if nearby no men,” said his colleague, Palak Tiwari.

14. And Vin Diesel is his own producer. He installed in contracts, the number of hits that can be received during fights on filming

15. Adriana Caselotti, who voiced Snow White in the cartoon Disney, after the release of the picture, was offered a job on a radio show. However, himself Walt Disney banned her from taking such a job.

Allegedly, her voice can not be used anywhere else, and according to Walt Disney, this could ruin the image of Snow White.

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