Students eat only sushi and sit on the floor: Kanye West's school was sued (5 photos)

Kanye West opened his school with very unusual rules. Former teachers complained to the court, talking about the "terrible" conditions in which children are learning.

Two former teachers at Donda Academy, a private Christian Kanye West's school filed a lawsuit for wrongful dismissal. The reason for the dismissal, by the way, was the complaints of teachers about unacceptable educational standards and school regime, according to The Daily Beast.

In the lawsuit, teachers named unusual rules that are put forward to both teachers and students. Among them:

School staff and students must wear only black clothing;

For lunch, students eat only sushi. You cannot bring other food with you. Kanye West spends $10,000 on sushi every week;

Children are not allowed to watch Disney and Pixar content;

You can't teach a course on the Holocaust and have African American History Month;

No chairs or desks: children sit on a foam pad during class.

In addition, the school does not have a cleaning lady or a nurse. Because of, that Kanye does not believe in "does not believe in cleaning products containing chemistry".

Teachers say students are lagging far behind their peers. peers (students from other schools) in mathematics. Between students there are conflicts, but the administration does not regulate this in any way. One one of the teachers even asked parents to pick up their children from school rapper, but the parents were fascinated by the "West cult".

By the way, the school has only one floor. All because Kanye is afraid of stairs.

It is interesting that both teachers who applied to the court turned out to be the only African-American women on the faculty.

Plaintiffs consider it racial discrimination. In addition, "99% Donda Academy students are black," and it's not right that they only learn from white teachers. The teachers also noted that parkour is considered "upgrading" in school (whatever it is meant).

Teacher sues after complaining Director Moira Love for salary delays and improper educational standards. The director herself almost sent them, because is a big fan of the rapper.

West students lag behind their peers in math peers for two years, they cannot wear bright clothes (only black), they study sitting on the floor, and have sushi for lunch. During the school day, children can walk on the street and cannot watch cartoons.

What do you think, good conditions?

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