A stranger pushed a shopping center visitor off the escalator

21 April 2023
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In a shopping center in Karaganda, an attacker kicked a man who was going down an escalator in the back. Plus one more phobia in a piggy bank.

The man went to the mall to get his hair cut. Before visiting the hairdresser, he went to the toilet. There, according to him, two strangers sorted things out.

The victim told the Tengrinews reporter the details of the incident:

“I went into the restroom and heard two men swearing in one of the booths. I didn’t see their faces. Then, judging by the sounds, they started to fight. participants in the fight. I stopped and he began to attack me. Then I began to fight back and knocked him down. At that moment, he offered to disperse peacefully. I agreed, and we parted. But as soon as I got on the escalator, he turned around and kicked me. I went down a few steps of the escalator and hit the floor. My lip is torn, my teeth are broken, my body is still bruised."

The aggressor was detained and placed in a psycho-neurological dispensary.

“I learned from the police that the guy had previously been registered in a neuropsychiatric dispensary. But it seems that he has already been deregistered. Now he was again placed in a dispensary. I think this is right. After all, he is dangerous to others. A child or woman".

On the fact of causing bodily harm, a criminal case was registered under part 1 of the article “Hooliganism”. The victim does not agree with the article.

“Now there is an investigation into this fact, a criminal case has been opened under the article “Hooliganism.” I do not agree with this. What kind of hooliganism is this? This is an attempt on life. so that everything is in accordance with the law and he is punished. I think that such people need constant supervision or isolation."

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