A man who saved hundreds of children from death was silent about his act for half a century (7 photos + 1 video)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
19 April 2023

People who have everything in life going smoothly and safely, not so often seek to help others. many but not Nicholas Winton.

Subsequently, when Winton's secret was finally revealed, he was nicknamed the "British Schindler". Nicholas was born in 1909 year in London and continued his father's work - he worked in a bank. Led a measured the life of a typical representative of the "golden youth".

During the Christmas holidays of 1938, according to the established tradition planned to go to the Alps with a group of friends. But plans changed: the man got a call from his friend Martin Blake and said that will not be able to join the company - important things await him in Prague. Winton became interested and decided to join a friend.

As it turned out, he was involved in helping refugees move. The border region of the Czech Republic - the Sudetenland was by that time already occupied by Nazi troops. And entire refugee camps were waiting help.

And Nikki realized that there was no one else to deal with this problem. AND took it upon himself. Later, the operation was called "Czech Kindertransport.

In the hotel room, he organized something like an office. TO People came to Winton ready to part with their children, to give them to strangers. families to keep them alive. The man took photos, brief dossiers, formed the base and thought out ways to take the children out. No wonder that the Nazis became interested in the activities of Nicholas. He only succeeded that handing out bribes for silence to buy some time.

When the base of about 900 children was formed, he left the office for friends and rushed to London, where, with the help of his mother organized a committee to help refugees and rushed in search of money and foster families.

People gave money and agreed to accept children. But funds not enough, and Nikki made up the difference with his own money. After there were problems with entry visas: officials hesitated, and the last visas had to be forged.

Road to life

The first train with 20 children left Prague March 14, 1939. For families it was a tragedy, the kids sobbed. But relatives understood that the only way to salvation. Total Winton and his comrades organized the movement of 8 such trains. ninth not in time: Hitler attacked Poland. And the borders were closed. IN in total, thanks to the efforts of Winton and his friends, 669 children. Subsequently, many of the "children of Winton" achieved solid heights, became doctors, lawyers, translators.

silent hero

When the war started, the man went to the Red Cross, then became a pilot in the British Air Force. He retired in 1954 with the rank lieutenant. Perhaps no one would have known about the events of 1939 if not for accident: in 1988, his wife for some reason went up to the attic and I came across an album with baby photos. And my husband's notebook hundreds of addresses of English families who took the children. winton first I shrugged it off saying I don't remember well. But then he told it anyway.

The wife sent letters to the addresses. Many responded. Nicholas was invited to the talk show That's Life! on BBC TV as viewer. But as a result, he became the main character of the program, when from the audience the children he had saved began to come out - already middle-aged people, each with his own history and destiny. And the life Nicholas gave them. After all most of the parents who agreed to move their children died in fascist camps.

Fate gave this man a very long life - 106 years. And when the mystery of the "British Schindler" nevertheless turned out to be revealed, on the question of why he took such a risk by organizing the removal of children, he answered simply: “Someone does not care that children are in mortal danger, and they need save immediately, someone has. What if you just owe them save - there is simply no one else.

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