16 Lazy of the Year Nominees Who Refused to Do Their Job Normally (19 Photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
19 April 2023

We all have experienced such funny moments when someone decided that the problems he noticed were simply "not his job." These instances of laziness incompetence or simple indifference often lead to situations when, it seems, it would be better for an employee to do nothing at all than did his job the way he did it.

Today we present 16 nominees for the award "These are not mine problems" showcasing some of the most amazing types of people who took their laziness to a whole new level. Choose the winner will not be easy!

It looks somehow wrong

Users put forward several versions: 1) the workers had cable of limited length; 2) workers did not trust plastic pipes on corners and decided that this way the cable would definitely be safe; 3) workers there were only straight pipes and fasteners for them, 4) judging by the chain in the photo, gates can be closed here. Actually quite a tricky solution, which can be taken into account

Hungary received 160 thousand euros from the EU fund for construction of a footpath over the forest. Unfortunately, the forest cut down before the track was built

As planned, the path was supposed to pass in the forest above the crowns trees and among them, but now she stands in an abandoned field, which remained after the complete cutting of trees. Blame it on the mayor a nearby village named Philemon Mihai, who applied for grant for the construction of this track. The track itself is made of untreated pine, and its steps are reportedly not really fixed and bend under the weight of the pedestrian. For some reason a recreation area with several awnings was built nearby, in the top photo you can see that the roof of one of them has already begun to fall apart (this not snow) ????

And here is how this area looked before on Google maps

Whoever laid these bricks is a terrible Tetris player

It looks like there wasn't enough pavers for this path, and the bosses said, "Just make a path out of it somehow." We hope this is just a temporary solution. In any case, we are not envy the one who stumbles here ????

"Boss, we installed a new park bench"

But now on this bench you can sit on both sides. By apparently, the new bench was supposed to replace the old one, but the workers they simply tied it with a chain to the already standing one and did not even remove the polyethylene. Either this is laziness of the highest degree, or it was just a temporary measure. ????

Finally finished nailing the roof...

As it is not difficult to see, the workers nailed the roof neatly. next to the beams to which it was supposed to be attached. Looks like a contractor decided to save money on one of the workers who was supposed to supervise process from within. The roof will look great on this house. Before first strong wind

“The roof of the house I rent looks the same, it leaks where the nails stick out...”, one of the users shared his experience ????

Slightly missed

We think the canopy should have been a little to the right. Well, or the entrance to the left .. Users suggested that this canopy was fixed by a one-eyed contractor either Monday morning or Friday afternoon ????

You will not believe, but on top of this cake is an image of what you can see on the phone screen

The cake was supposed to feature Drake's album cover. "Nothing Was The Same". Amazing attention to detail, I mean, looks just terrible, but you can find all the details of the image on cake ????

This ramp is for the disabled in Mumbai

But the slope is not very steep and almost without barriers. Nothing terrible, because everyone knows thato wheelchair users are the best gymnasts from everyone ????

"I fixed the telephone pole, boss"

It would be outrageous if there were only adhesive tape, but there is still a ROPE. Presumably a broken pole tied with a rope to a new pole, which will have to replace it. Now the main thing is that this pillar is removed before it collapses ????

Symmetry is hard

But we can trace the development of the skills of who it is did Fortunately, this oversight is easy to fix with paint, but, Apparently, the owner of the house is happy with everything ????

"I'm pretty sure these lions won't breed in the ark"

Some forbidden version of history. It's funny that the owners of this territory they were able to turn one of the deer into a female by sawing off he has horns, but it would be much more difficult to do the same with a lion ????

Progressive way to fight global warming

From the inscriptions on the entrance it is not difficult to guess that this is a photo was made in Russia. The only reason for this setup, which we we can only think of, it is so that the cooled air can enter into window vent on the right. Do you have any ideas? ????️

Now it's an alien, and it's even better

If you do not understand, then these convex parts on the mat for mice were supposed to represent breasts, but instead it made character look like a fly. Well, at least now you are you will look into her eyes

An attempt was made to clear the gravel to paint the curb, but the worker quickly gave up.

Perhaps the worker was simply informed that this gravel was no one and will never clean up. Although, most likely, he himself decided so 〽️

"You shall not pass!"

What do you think came first: the door or the railing? If you suddenly decided that the door opens inwards, then no, it opens out.

"It's at the top of the stairs in the hallway, the door opens on 1.5 mm. It was an old school that was converted into apartments, this is a common zone,” wrote the author of the photo ????

Some modern art

Looks like someone dropped a white plate. As the author said, this is a bicycle path, and if it is correct collect all the white parts on the paving stones, you get the image cyclist ????

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