In Novosibirsk, the son of an ex-deputy ran a red light, hit a woman to death and fled the scene of an accident (4 photos + 4 videos)

16 April 2023
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Now 21-year-old Alexander will accompany his father in jail.

This morning in the center of Novosibirsk the driver of Geely Tugella hit a 44-year-old woman crossing the road at high speed permission traffic signal. The chances of surviving from such a blow are There was no victim, she died on the spot without regaining consciousness. At the same time, the culprit of the accident did not stop and left without slowing down. speed.

Creepy footage of a fatal collision with a pedestrian hit several cameras at once.

The owner of the Chinese crossover was found a few hours later home address and taken to the police station. It turned out that driving there was 21-year-old Alexander Bushkov, the son of a former deputy of the Altai Regional Legislative Assembly Nikolai Bushkov, who is now is in jail on a corruption case.

Eyewitnesses of the accident believe that Bushkov at the time of the accident was under the influence of alcohol. In the police department he really was not sober, but says that he drank after the accident because of stress. However, according to lawyer Sergei Yegorov, even if the investigation it will not be possible to prove that at the time of the accident he was drunk, he does not care severe punishment threatens from 5 to 12 years in prison. judge him will be under Art. 264 part 4 p. "b" of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of traffic rules and operation vehicles, resulting in the death of a person, associated with leaving the place of its commission.

Unemployed Alexander Bushkov said he was driving in the central city street, because he was in a hurry to hand over the car for repair. Do we believe?

However, local media write that they have filed against Bushkov a criminal case on several counts at once, including all aggravating ones - p.p. "a", "b" part 4 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the rules of the road and exploitation of vehicles, negligently resulting in death a person committed by a person in a state of intoxication, associated with leaving the place of its commission.

The court arrested Bushkov for 2 months.

As for Alexander's father, deputy of the Altai Legislative Assembly, he is accused of illegal logging in Talmensky district of the Altai Territory on an especially large scale by a group of persons collusion and trafficking in illegally harvested timber in on an especially large scale (part 3 of article 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and part 3 of article 191.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

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