In Hollywood, a train rammed a car carrier loaded with cars

14 April 2023

In Hollywood, even ordinary accidents are spectacular.

A series of accidents involving American trains last night added an episode from Hollywood. Fortunately, this time there were no inverted trains, fires and environmental disasters. When shooting the video, not a single train was seriously injured, but the cars that were on the car transporter, which very unfortunately stalled in the middle of the railway tracks, suffered.

It is reported that the driver tried with all his might to prevent a collision, but, as you know, it is impossible to stop a rushing train instantly. As a result, the locomotive rammed the truck and tore off the trailer with cars.

It is reported that after the incident, for some time, railway communication in the area of ​​the accident was suspended. How badly the cars were damaged, unfortunately, is not reported. But in any case, the insurance company is unlikely to be happy with this video.

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