Bergdams who haven't tried washing (6 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
13 April 2023

Remember the old joke about the man who complained to the doctor about an itchy head and did not know what “washing” is? The representatives of this tribe, tell them this anecdote, not a single muscle would flinch on your face.

And all because the Bergdams are a strange people, even according to strange for us by African standards. The fact is that the representatives of this tribe ignore any contact of the body with water, considering it creepy and dangerous substance.

"Black people". They probably got this nickname for very dark skin. Almost blue-black, on which the layer dirt is almost invisible.

Although bergdams cannot be called outright dirty. TO for example, they carefully monitor the condition of the teeth and remove food debris special sticks - primitive analogues of toothbrushes. This a necessity, because their diet is mostly solid food, even roots. A there will be no teeth - you will simply die of starvation.

Standard hut

African dirty people worship literally what they see - sun. More precisely, the sun god Kamabu, representative and viceroy which the sorcerer of the tribe appears on earth. He is in charge of life and death in the tribe. Literally gives a verdict - which of the tribesmen will live, and who will die. Your orders through the sorcerer hands over to Kamabu.

If a tribesman has signs of a deadly contagious disease, then it is tritely expelled in order to avoid an epidemic. And he dies in loneliness. Such a cruel but effective way of saving others lives.

And also a common method of dealing with all sorts of sores and byakami at bergdams - cauterization. The same sorcerer allegedly drives the disease into one place on the body, and then burns it out. Hence many representatives of the tribe on the body of multiple scars.

Strange rites and frightening rituals

The rite of initiation for young men is quite normal. Applicants for status of a man, teenagers must successfully go hunting for two days in a row. They must give the first booty as a gift to the tribe. And in eating the second already can participate themselves.

With girls it's more difficult. Teenage girls are considered adults when their mammary glands begin to develop. After that cuts are made over the chest, rubbed with crushed to powder state products and are waiting for healing. Now the girls can eat together with adult women the same food.

After the arrival of the first menstruation, the girl is considered an adult. In honor of this, the tribe organizes a holiday, slaughters a goat and enjoys the flesh of the ritual sacrifice. And the hero of the occasion receives instructions older comrades that you need to take care of yourself and not enter into marriage before marriage sexual relationship.

Children are happiness, but with an exception

Like any other nations, the birth of a baby in a tribe - it is joy and cause for celebration. But with this, the natives are connected strange custom. The newly minted father roasts meat on the fire, collecting dripping fat.

Then he smears his body, rolling with fat a fair layer of dirt, collects the resulting substance in a bag and hangs this protective amulet around the child's neck. It remains the final touch - spit on the child’s chest, rub the spittle and name the newly acquired child.

But there is an exception to the rule - the birth of twins. Twins considered a curse. And to extinguish it, you need to bury it alive one of the children. The custom is not only creepy, but also illogical. After all a tribe that ignores hygiene procedures is on the verge of disappearance. And it may well be that in the near future about him only memories remain.

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