12 Amazing African Tribal Traditions (14 Photos)

14 November 2022

Every nation has its own traditions and customs. Only at that time how some remain only in the memory of people, others still retain an important place in their daily lives.

For example, this applies to most African tribes, for which one rite can mean a lot. And their original lifestyle often becomes a real culture shock for city ​​person. After all, what is considered normal for Africans or even beauty, it seems strange to many of us, and in some places even wild.

Mbororo people, Chad

As a rule, tattoos on the face of representatives of African tribes is a kind of "passport" by which you can learn about almost everything for a person. But among the people of Mbororo, this is a sign of beauty.

A boy from one of the Ethiopian Banna tribes is being prepared to participate in the rite of "bull jumping" (bull jumping)

The essence of this rite is that a young man, thirsty find a daughter-in-law this year, must run naked through backs of bulls several times in a row. Only then can he marry.

Hameri, Ethiopia

Hamers are one of the most beautiful representatives of Ethiopia. Especially they are distinguished by their outlandish hairstyles that they wear all their lives. Usually male hamers leave a tuft of their hair at the top of their head, and everything else is cut and fixed with clay, ocher and sheep fat. To slept better with such hair, they always have a special chair under the head.

And here is what the hamerok hairstyle looks like

Women of the Mursi people who are doomed to wear beaded beads all their lives

For a moment, such beads can weigh from 6 to 8 kilograms.

Himba, Namibia

One of the features of this ancient people is their sculptured hairstyles on the head. It was they who glorified this tribe for outside the country. But the inhabitants of the tribe came up with such intricate harnesses from their hair (and not only) not on purpose - it's all to blame unbearable heat and heat of the regions where they live.

Tribes of Uganda

Scarification is a common and terribly painful procedure. among many African tribes. But if they did it before distinguish one from another, now the same convex scars on the body became an exotic decoration of their appearance.

Masai, Kenya

The Maasai have a rare custom of initiation when men (from 30 to 40 years old) are finally coming of age. To show my the joy of the event, they dance, jumping high up.

Mursi and Suri tribes, Ethiopia and Kenya

These two tribes still practice a strange tradition - cymbals in the lips. Only women wear this attribute, from teenage age. Over time, the diameter of the plate increases and reaches 4 centimeters. Why do they do it? Researchers still cannot give an accurate answer. But the main assumption is again for beauty.

Surma, Ethiopia

Representatives of this tribe can rightfully be considered the most original decorations of your body. They paint themselves bright paints (but most often white and orange colors) with or without him. It is believed that in these wavy patterns some kind of mysterious message. But is it really so, no one knows.

beauty pageant in niger

The traditional beauty pageant among African tribes is different from similar competitions that we are used to seeing. Here for the title handsome guys fight, and girls sit in the judges. To conquer lady's heart, Africans have toi'm not sweet. They carefully select make-up and outfit that will definitely symbolize something. Reward - an unlimited number of liked girls with whom they can live for a whole month.

Beauty standard from the Bodi tribe, Ethiopia

The main handsome and favorite among all the ladies of the Bodi tribe will be the one with the biggest belly. And it's not a joke. This people even have a special competition for young people who diligently gaining weight, then to expose their treasure to everyone for show The fatter you are, the richer and prettier you are.

Representatives of the Masai tribe and their way of greeting

For the Maasai, spitting symbolizes greeting and respect. Often mothers and fathers practice this procedure with babies as well. So they show their happiness and wish the child health and longevity.

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