Bearded man breaks women's weightlifting record set by transgender man

Category: Sports, PEGI 0+
5 April 2023

To be honest, the first time it is difficult to understand who stood on whom, but we will try to put everything on the shelves.

So, this theater of the absurd began with the fact that the Canadian powerlifter Avi Silverberg was notably surprised by the rules in the competition in the women's powerlifting championship and decided to show by his own example that this could not continue. Silverberg has been the head coach of the Canadian powerlifting team for more than a decade and is very unhappy with the Canadian Powerlifting Union's (CPU) self-identification policy.

It turns out that everyone who considers himself a woman can take part in the women's bench press championship among women in Alberta (Canada). At the same time, you don’t need to drink hormones or show pussies, they take their word for it, otherwise, God forbid, the rainbow ones will be offended. It was this rule that infuriated Avi, who looks, to put it mildly, like a healthy man and considers himself as such.

Avi not only registered in the ladies 84+ category, but also quietly broke the latest record set by another man, Ann Andres, who calls himself transgender. A trans woman has been trolling women before, claiming that they “can’t bench press”, that even a 7-year-old kid can surpass women and in general they have no place in this sport.

But Avi proved to Ann that he was a skinny and benched almost 167kg, 45kg more than the previous "record".

The network immediately supported Avi and said that all this policy that supports transgender people is aimed at expelling women from Canadian sports. Ann, however, has not yet commented on his shameful defeat.

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