russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 3

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
4 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- The murder of Tatarsky in Prigozhin's bar is part of the escalation of internal conflicts in Russia with the participation of Wagner PMC, — ISW.

Analysts note ( that the murder of a "military correspondent" may be a warning to Prigozhin and it seems that the murder of Tatarsky was deliberate staged in a room that belongs to Prigogine. ISW notes that the head of the Wagner PMC himself was supposed to be present at the event, although there is no confirmation of this.

- It is technically impossible to start issuing subpoenas via instant messengers, — Fedorov.

"It is impossible to do this until there is a high-quality register of persons liable for military service, and a verified phone number is not attached to the register identifier. And we do not have verification of a phone number and a person in the state. I am not even talking about the Constitution and regulations now. Purely technically it is impossible do this year", — Fedorov said.

- Vladimir Zelensky will visit Poland on Wednesday, — Head of the International Policy Bureau of the Office of the President of Poland.

It is also reported #crp_state=1) that Poland handed over several MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine.

- Registration for NMT-2023 has started today.

Registration will last until May 3. Service for creating a personal account

- Ukrainian refugees in Romania began to be massively evicted due to upcoming changes in the law on assistance to refugees, — Adevarul.

Earlier, the state ( allocated money every day to people who accepted refugees from Ukraine. However, since the beginning of 2023, the state has stopped doing this. And the Romanians began to put the Ukrainians on the street.

- Instead of drones, $25,000 worth of sex toys: Ukrainian hackers hacked Z-volunteer's account on AliExpress, — InformNapalm.

It is noted that Mikhail Luchin raised funds to buy drones for the RF Armed Forces, but Ukrainian hackers hacked akkaunt-rossijskogo-volontera) on his account and purchased dildos and strapons instead of drones for the same amount. He can no longer cancel the order.

- Escobar would be jealous: Coca-Cola is one of the largest producers of pure cocaine.

Cocaine leaves are used to make the famous soda. 2f3592d1bac48ddd3b9d305f903977c3) bushes, and the drug is a waste product. The company puts him into action, selling it to a contractor who supplies anesthetics for dentistry. Annual profit is $3 billion.

- Tishchenko decided to become a designer and made panama hats, vests and special logos in honor of the interim commission of inquiry of the Verkhovna Rada, in which he is a member.

Velor Special Forces on Guard of Corruption.

- The US expects Ukraine to launch a counteroffensive in the coming weeks.

US Permanent Representative to NATO informed about it.

- "My denunciation": the Russian Federation returned to the times of the USSR.

In the application (, Rusnya can anonymously (or not) complain about people who do not support "CVO», his family or a neighbor who painted the bench in the color of the rainbow.

- AFU pays a heavy price in Bakhmut as armored forces prepare to advance towards Crimea, — Ben Hodges.

"You can destroy all Russian soldiers within a radius of 200 km from Bakhmut, but this will not affect the strategic outcome of the war. Only the liberation ( of Crimea can change the strategic situation", — said the former commander of the US Army in Europe.

According to him, the defense of Crimea will become impossible when the Armed Forces of Ukraine begin to use long-range weapons.

- In the meantime, the members of the Opposition Platform, Stolar, Levochkin and the company are calmly holding a meeting and sitting in Kharkov.

They are doing well, there are no suspicions, but there are mandates. All together they are silent about Moscow priests so as not to sip too much attention.

- Ukrainian federations that will send athletes to competitions in which athletes from the Russian Federation and Belarus will take part are threatened with NSDC sanctions.

This is stated in the message ( -roku) Ministry of Youth and Sports. Sanctions can be applied both to federations and to their individual representatives.

- Ukrainian soldiers with Bradley infantry fighting vehicles at a training ground in Germany.

- The German Rheinmetall will open a hub in Romania for servicing weapons supplied to Ukraine.

The hub will service German Leopard and British Challenger 2 tanks, German Marder and Fuchs armored personnel carriers, as well as military trucks.

- Poland handed over several MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine.

- And Darya Trepova was detained in St. Petersburg in another rented apartment.

«I was framed! I was just being used! she is said to have said.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky on a possible counter-offensive of Ukraine:

The Russians still have time to leave, otherwise we will destroy them.

- Putin's secret residence in Krasnaya Polyana is guarded by the Russian Pantsir S-1 anti-aircraft missile system.

- NBK:

Chinese spy balloon shot down on February 4 off the coast of South Carolina was able to collect intelligence from several secret US military bases.

China controlled the balloon so that it could make several passes over some objects and transmit the collected information back to Beijing in real time.

Intelligence collected by China consisted mostly of electronic signals that could be received from weapons systems, or included messages from base personnel rather than images.

- US Representative to NATO Julianne Smith:

The United States expects an offensive by Ukraine in the next few weeks.

- Vladlen Tatarsky (Maxim Fomin), who died yesterday, was posthumously awarded the Order of Courage by the decree of Russian President Putin.

- Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky (Maxim Fomin) looks at his death sentence, not knowing what will happen in a matter of seconds.

- Russian defensive fortifications are being built in the Crimea.

Positions for towed artillery, as well as trenches and anti-tank "dragon's teeth".

- +610 Russians were exempted from military obligations

Among the identified "demobilization":

▪️Senior Lieutenant Danil Petrushin

▪️Senior Lieutenant Ambartsum Aleksanyan

▪️ Lieutenant Alexei Nizovtsev

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, "the motherland has been defended" forever by 175,160 invaders

- From the scum who raped their own "colleague" in the "DNR army", they made an ideological hero and sent to war

▪️We are talking about Yuri Sviridov "Machete", an awesome friend of the terrorist Girkin. In 2017, "Machete" in the occupied Gorlovka raped and killed his pregnant subordinate Anastasia Tkacheva and sat down for it.

▪️ Now he, as a hero, continues to "protect Donbass" from normal life

- Total advertising of the slaughterhouse PMC "Wagner" flooded the mailboxes of Russians

▪️Instead of the usual advertising booklets, correspondence in the Russian Federation is now different. Info from a subscriber

Convicts cannot be taken, but it is necessary to turn around

- Belongings of Pasha Mercedes: not stolen, but begged

▪️According to YouControl, the most bonded person in the country owns seven properties. Among the well-known objects – 3-storey estate (580 square meters) with a guest house and a gazebo in the village of Voronko in the Kyiv region. He also owns land in this settlement.

▪️And Pasha Mercedes has three Mercedes: Mercedes-Benz GL 350 CDI 4 MATIC, Mercedes-Benz V 220 CDI, Mercedes-Benz S 500 4MATIC, but there are m other cars.

▪️During the presentation of suspicion from the SBU, Pasha lit Patek Philippe boilers for almost 40 thousand euros (almost 1.6 million UAH), as well as a Louis Vuitton scarf for $687 (25 thousand UAH)

▪️When the SBU came to "confession" to Bishop Pavel, they found golden figurines, portraits and everything in the "expensive-rich" style

By the way, the holy man himself says that these are all "gifts from grateful parishioners"

- What do you know about digital technologies

▪️"My denunciation" — just a new app for Russians. Thank you subscriber for screenshots

You are on the right path, comrades

- Finally, clear goals are

- Kabaeva: "I want the father of my children to receive the Order of Courage!"

- 74 years ago the USA, Canada, France, Great Britain, Portugal, Denmark, Iceland, Norway, the Benelux countries and Italy formed NATO. At the moment, there are 31 countries in the alliance (including Finland)

- Well, get up, you're tired of lying down. Tatarsky was posthumously enrolled in the PMC Wagner

- The reaction blew up the hall

- Defense

- 👀

- We can repeat

- The DPRK presented new patriotic posters at the military parade

Does it remind you of anything? Some 50-60 years ago.

Let's fulfill the decisions of the 6th plenary session of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea of the 8th convocation to the end!

Let's celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the DPRK and the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Patriotic Liberation War with high political enthusiasm and brilliant labor exploits

Let's unite in striving to achieve the 12 goals of national economic development this year!

Let's fight for the fulfillment of the five-year plan for the development of the national economy!

Let's open a new history of the development of agriculture!

We continue to celebrate the flourishing of the capital's urban planning!

Let's catch big fish!

Let's produce different kinds of quality consumer goods in more quantity!

Introducing innovations in woodworking!

We will fully meet the needs of the national economy in transport!

We will decisively increase coal production!

- "You can't even imagine how happy we are that we once lost that war" - Germans

West Germans became one of the main beneficiaries from the defeat of Nazi Germany.

They got much more from their defeat than the Soviet people got from their victory. Won more than East Germans, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Romanians, Hungarians or Albanians.

Let's imagine for a moment that Germany would not have lost in World War II. There would be some draw. Hitler would gain a foothold in the occupied territories and begin to equip his stinking Millennium Reich.

Ideological indoctrination of children, concentration camps, Gestapo, internal enemies, slave labor, censorship, militarization of the economy, blonds are the best, the Lebensborn program, Germanization, cane discipline, total bureaucracy, mysticism, Aryan physics, the destruction of sick and disabled people , the dominance of the military, the imperial project and other nonsense.

It would all end in economic collapse, the collapse of the Reich and numerous wars around the perimeter. Europe would be plunged into darkness for decades. Hundreds of millions of people would have their brains filthy for generations.

Hitler is an effective manager, it was better under the Nazis, the Nazis will come - they will put things in order, everyone hates us and dreams of our riches.

There would not be hundreds of excellent universities in Europe. There would be no openness, tolerance and amazing moral progress. Everything would be in sticky and smelly Nazi shit, from which it would take a very long time to wash off.

Dmitry Chernyshev

- Dasha Trepova has already begun to be compared with the Narodnaya Volya: terrorists from the second half of the 20th century who blew up Emperor Alexander II

- Government services offer their users to install the correct root certificate on their devices and / or use the correct patriotic browsers

- Here they are, 98% for reunification with the Russian Federation. That's just funny

Kherson clearly showed what kind of support the Russian Federation had there, and in the meantime:

- A post from another russian-haired "military officer" with dreams of murder. Skotostan is going to hell

- Planning of the operation "Vlad and Lena"

- New royal decrees. "I forbid you to call me a dick!"

- In Belarus, a procedure has been launched to transfer Sofia Sapieha to Russia

- Ilya Shepelein about Tatar Putin

- Not a day without improvements in the swamps

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