18 impressive pictures that will remain on the pages of history (19 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
29 March 2023

Sometimes one photo can tell a whole story or show a unique phenomenon. There are many such pictures in our history, but let's look at some of them. They somehow remembered us and remained in memory - and perhaps some of them you have not seen yet.

1. This is what a bald bear looks like. This is Dolores the bear. who lived in a German zoo. She is accompanied by two bears. suddenly lost almost all their hair - and the veterinarians shrugged, and not understanding the cause of baldness

2. The gym on board the Titanic

3. This photo is considered the last in the life of Queen Elizabeth II. It was taken a couple of days before her death in September 2022.

4. This photograph, taken in 1838 by Louis Daguerre, is considered the first in history to depict a person. Photographer here captured a shoe shiner with a client on a Parisian boulevard

5. The first image of the Earth from the Moon, taken in 1966 by the Lunar Orbiter 1 spacecraft

Source 6The 1895 X-Ray - Believed to be the oldest surviving X-ray of the human body

7. The first ever aerial photograph. Taken by James Wallace Black from a balloon over Boston, 1860

8. Arnold Schwarzenegger with Andre the Giant and Wilt Chamberlain on the set of Conan the Destroyer

9. What does the confluence of the Amazon and the Rio Negro look like. Such contrast - due to differences in temperature, speed and density of water

10 Giant Sauropod Dinosaur Femur

11. This is how they used to check how much weight the car can withstand. 1930s, Germany

12. "Siberian unicorn" or elasmotherium - a genus of extinct mammals from the rhinoceros family. They lived in Eurasia since the Pliocene to the Pleistocene, and became extinct 39 thousand years ago

13. In 1977, in the upper reaches of the Kolyma River, on the territory Magadan region, found a perfectly preserved baby woolly mammoth. They named him Dima

Before the mammoth Lyuba was discovered in 2007, Dima believed to be the only fully preserved mammoth in the world.

14. Bowhead whale compared to humans

15. The first underwater portrait in the world, taken in 1899 by the Frenchman Louis Botan

16. This is what the inside of Big Ben looks like behind one of its dials

17. "The insides" of a 1970s space suit

18. Two famous grandmasters of the USSR, Ilya Rabinovich and Peter Romanovsky, playing "live chess" on Palace Square, Leningrad, 1924

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