A selection of disposable and absolutely useless things that harm the environment (14 photos)
Recently, more and more people are thinking about the environment and the health of our mother nature. For environmental problems are becoming more and more obvious and unpleasant. It is clear that it is not necessary to become ardent eco-activists and radically change their lives. Simple enough once again not to litter the world around with unnecessary garbage, sort it and use things from more environmentally friendly materials. But many manufacturers don't care about that. They make useless disposable items that could easily be dispensed with.
Disposable toothbrushes with a pre-made portion of toothpaste inside
Disposable communion bowl in church
Disposable Biodegradable Grill
It would seem that the prefix "eco" should close all claims, however, such a disposable grill does more harm than good.
A real grill only needs to be made once, it is made from simple steel and lasts for decades. Disposable grill needed be transported by boats, trucks and so on, resulting in wasted fossil fuel.
It also requires continuous production, which results in chemical emissions and waste.
Disposable phone charger
While the world is fighting plastic, this company is selling teaspoons of honey in a plastic bag.
Disposable ice cubes in individual packaging from the store
Disposable cake knife with matches inside
Disposable water bowls for dogs
Disposable film cameras
These disposables are all over the place. "Bulls" of our time
Disposable hot sauce in a cafe. I wonder how much per day such bottles are thrown away? Why not offer a guest a sauce in a separate reusable dish?
In Japan, supermarkets offer visitors to buy disposable underpants.
Small disposable salt and pepper shakers, which are given out in the restaurant individually to each client
Disposable sticky foot pads instead of shoes. They are probably fine on their own. But why disposable?