The most mysterious finds from the tomb of Tutankhamen (6 photos)

29 March 2023

Tutankhamun's tomb is one of the greatest archaeological discoveries in history. The tomb of the pharaoh, filled with ancient treasures, discovered in 1922, but for decades it puzzled archaeologists - and still continues to excite the minds. Archaeologists are still failed to fully understand all the treasures buried with pharaoh - and this is more than 5000 artifacts. Learn about some things which were in the tomb of Tutankhamen.

golden mask

One of the most famous items from the tomb of Tutankhamun - a golden mask on the face of a young pharaoh. She weighs over 10 kilograms and almost entirely made of gold. Now she is in Cairo National Museum. By the way, regarding the death of Tutankhamun himself there are several versions. Experts believe he died in at the age of 19 from a severe complicated form of malaria. In addition, before death he broke his leg. Another version says that Tutankhamun died from broken leg or accident, and some historians suspect that he was killed by blows to the head. It's all to blame, as experts agree - power struggle.


Various weapons were found in the tomb of Tutankhamen, including - several precious daggers. One of them has an iron blade, and the other is made of gold. Both daggers were wrapped in layers of mummy bandages. pharaoh. Another dagger forged from meteoric iron was made outside of ancient Egypt - it was sent as a gift to Tutankhamun's grandfather from another ancient state. This dagger dates back to the 14th century BC, and at that time the ancient Egyptians did not knew how to work with meteoric iron.

Golden sandals

These sandals were found on the feet of the pharaoh. Historians claim that they were made specifically for burial. In addition, up to of his death, Tutankhamen was limping due to an injured foot - in his tomb Over 130 walking sticks have been found. According to Dr. Carolyn Rando, his right and left feet looked completely different. Left foot had a fairly high and pronounced arch, while the right the foot is almost completely flat. As shown by x-rays, right leg of the ruler could develop a bone infection that made his invalid.

Board games

Several board games were also found in the tomb. parts of which are made of ivory. One of them is the game "Senet" with three rows of squares. Its rules are still a mystery.

golden buckle

This gold buckle was most likely made specifically for burials. It depicts a pharaoh in his chariot. Such a buckle usually indicates the high status of the deceased.

musical pipes

The tomb also contained two musical trumpets. One of them made of wood and silver, and the second - of gilded bronze. Experts recognized them as the most ancient musical instruments of this kind. tools from those that have survived to this day.

Containers, bowls and utensils

Alabaster bowl in the form of a lotus and a jar with a lion on the lid - also noteworthy artifacts. Bowl in the form of a lotus carved from a single piece of alabaster. By the way, she was one of the first found items in the tomb, and the favorite item of archaeologist Howard Carter, who discovered the tomb.

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