Unusual inro, replacing the pockets of the Japanese (8 photos)

29 March 2023

The second part of a selection of inro - small boxes, consisting of sections, pulled together with a cord.

The traditional Japanese costume did not involve pockets, therefore, the Japanese for carrying small items (coins, personal seals, etc.) e.) used inro - small boxes consisting of sections, tied together with string.

Inro in the shape of Mount Fuji, depicting a crossing and a procession. Wood, gilding, gold leaf, lacquer. Late 18th - early 19th century.

The Japanese traditional costume had no pockets, so Japanese for carrying small items (coins, personal seals and other various small things) used inro.

Inro in the form of a thatched hut. wood, gilding, silvering, lacquer. The product is signed by two masters: inro - Koami Shinsaburo, an ivory netsuke created by Ohara Mitsuhiro. Late 18 - early 19th century.

Inro could be made of bone, wood, bamboo, rattan and other materials, varnished, carved and other decorations.

Flattened inro featuring crickets. Wood, carving, red lacquer. 19th century.

Indulge in decorated inros made of precious woods and bones could only be very rich and noble inhabitants of Japan. Commoners Inro was made from simple bamboo.

Wicker inro in the shape of a basket. Bamboo and rattan. Mid 19th century.

Inro could consist of two, three, six or more sections, but models of four and five sections are most common.

Oval inro depicting a court lady in a boat with a drum. Wood, gilding, ivory, lacquer. 19th century.

Inro was worn on the belt. The lace was thrown over the belt. From falling inro was protected by a netsuke suspended at the opposite end, which did not allow the lace to slip under the belt.

Round inro in tortoise shell covered with bamboo and rattan weave. 17th century

Usually inro had a rectangular shape with rounded edges, but in this collection there are inro of non-standard shape.

Round inro with the image of a man. Polished wood, elements of gilding, silvering. 19th century.

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