The girls went to the "nails", and got a complete fail (15 photos)

29 March 2023

"To go on nails" is a sacred thing for any girl. This an excellent occasion to put your favorite fingers in order, and at the same time chat and just enjoy your time. The authors of these pictures are exactly that and planned. But, alas, the hands of the "masters" of manicure did not grow out of their shoulders. Let's take a look at the fake photos from the "expectation and reality" section.

Shrek nails

Nails are just space

almost like

The master made the most "exact copy"

Here's a bouquet for you

It hurts to even look at!

The master tried, but the patience to paint the nails evenly, apparently, was not enough

"exact" copy

Is this some kind of joke?

We wanted a square shape, but got round ones

These faces look straight into your soul

But bright

This is impossible to unsee

Such a pain

When the manicurist finished the job, she said it turned out even better than she had hoped.

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