russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 18-19

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
20 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- a woman with such a poster was detained in Voronezh

- +880 zinc coffins will go home to Russia

Among the identified:

▪️Major Albert Galiakhmetov

▪️Captain Vitaly Malshakov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Vyacheslav Katkov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Eldar Timushev

▪️mobik captain Mikhail Spirin

▪️Junior Lieutenant Andrey Koshukov

In total, 164,200 Russians died during the war

- A strange law on passports has been signed in Russia. Now the Russian Federation has simplified the process of renunciation of citizenship of Ukraine

▪️Everything would be fine, only the Ukrainian passport in the ranking of world passports is almost 2 times higher than the Russian passport

Although you definitely need to pick up the Ukrainian passport from Kiva and Saldo!

- In fact, they discredit themselves by participating in a shameful war against Ukraine. We just light everything up! Glory to Ukraine!

- Contract soldiers and mobiles are over: the borders of front-line Belgorod are guarded by children

▪️In the photo, teenagers in military uniforms receive humanitarian aid

Probably, mothers will soon carry them from the maternity hospital to the military commissar immediately

- The consequences of a night arrival in the area of ​​a residential complex in Zaporozhye.

240 windows and 7 doors were knocked out from the blast wave in 9 houses, secretary of the City Council Kurtev reported. Roofs were partially damaged in 4 houses. The building of the nearby restaurant was almost completely destroyed.

- We are protected not by neutrality, but by the Ukrainian army, — Moldovan President Sandu.

"The neutrality of Moldova is enshrined ( in the Constitution. This is the choice of citizens, we cannot refuse neutrality. Another thing is that in the current situation, neutrality does not protect us." — she added.

- In Poland, refugees from Ukraine will be able to receive assistance up to PLN 500 for the purchase of medicines.

The main condition ( is the presence of PESEL. In order to apply for the queue, you must leave your email address on the link. ( Next, you will be sent notifications with instructions for registering.

After reviewing the application, the participant will receive a barcode for the purchase of medicines in the amount of up to PLN 500.

- Russia will not be able to achieve the lifting of international sanctions without the execution of orders from the International Criminal Court in The Hague, — The New York Times.

The condition is simple ( — extradition of Putin to the International Court of Justice.

- Zelensky imposed sanctions against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad as part of a new sanctions package.

Total in the lists of personal sanctions — 300 individuals and 141 legal entities.

- Private will not work this night.

The Privat24 application and operations with cards through routine maintenance may be unavailable.

Restrictions will last until approximately 04:00 March 19

- The grain agreement has been extended for another 120 days, — Turkish President Erdogan.

At the same time, the Russian Federation until the last wanted to extend it only for 60 days, but it did not burn out.

- Prigozhin is going to recruit 30,000 Russians for the war against Ukraine by mid-May, — Reuters.

According to ( ) the leader of the roosters himself, the Wagner recruiting centers, which opened last week in 42 Russian cities, recruit an average of 500-800 people a day.

- The United States began to deport Russians who fled from the mobilization, — The Guardian.

For a whole year, the States allowed ( Russians to hide from war, repression and mobilization, but now they have changed their minds.

- NATO plans to strengthen its grouping on the eastern flank, placing up to 300 thousand soldiers there, but there are several problems, — Politico.

For such a step, the Alliance needs to be convinced ( edge-military-leaders-james-j-townsend-jr-us-one-billion-citizens-army-europe/) individual countries provide various elements: soldiers, training, infrastructure improvements and, most importantly, a large number of expensive weapons, equipment and ammunition.

- 11 stab wounds due to a dispute about the length of members.

In Germany, two friends in a bath began to argue who has a longer penis — the debate ended with one friend stabbing the other 11 times!

The victim survived, accepted an apology from the villain and €10 thousand compensation.

- ChatGPT tell me, is it possible to take Kyiv in three days?

Even the AI knows that not everything is measured by manpower and cannot be reduced to comparing the amount of scrap metal in warehouses. People play an important role, their ability to think strategically, the support of society and many other factors.

- If Putin sets foot on German territory, we will arrest him, — Die Zeit.

This was stated ( by the Minister of Justice of the Federal Republic of Germany Bushman, commenting on the ICC warrant for the arrest of Putin.

- It will take months to retrain Ukrainian pilots to fly the F-16, — CNN.

Retired American Lieutenant General Mark Hertling notes ( that Ukrainians easily adapted to Himars and Javelins, but F-16 — it's a "completely different game".

- The production of ammunition for Ukraine and their deliveries are delayed due to a shortage of explosives in the European Union, — The Financial Times.

European efforts to produce weapons for Ukraine are hampered ( by a shortage of explosives, which, as industrialists fear, will delay the process of ramping up the production of shells by as much as three years.

- Russian special services are trying to gain access to the computers of Ukrainians, — State Special Communications Service.

Russian hackers and intelligence agencies add ( malicious code to hacked software hosted on torrents.

If the victim downloads and installs such files on his computer, hackers gain access to its content and may remain invisible for a long time.

- Mariupol — The Hague for the sake of one single passenger — novelty from "Ukrzaliznytsya".

"We have always strived to achieve the highest level of service for each of our passengers", — added to the company.

- "Let's take Kyiv in three days", — February 2022.

"Will NATO Capture the Russian Federation?" — March 2023.

- Russia is open to peace talks, — Putin.

“However, back in April 2022, the peace talks were by no means terminated by us. The future of the peace process depends ( solely on the readiness for a serious conversation, — bunker said.

- In a day, 710 asvabadites went to the next world

Among the identified officers:

▪️Chief of Staff of the ReADN, Major Viktor Perelygin;

▪️ Captain Alexey Zhirnov;

▪️ Captain Yuri "Hyena" Kulinich;

▪️ Helicopter Regiment Pilot Senior Lieutenant Roman Filatov;

▪️ Lieutenant Daniil Petrov;

▪️ Lieutenant Alexander Shkarin;

▪️ Senior Lieutenant Stepan Kiselev;

▪️ Senior Lieutenant Evsyugin Daniil;

The total number of losses of the Russian Federation reaches 164,910

- In December 1941, Hitler was also in the occupied and destroyed Marik

▪️Many historians and contemporaries of that time, such as the German General Alfred Jodl, claimed that it was in Marik that Hitler first realized that the war was lost

Some Irony of Fate: The Hague Tribunal, a tour of Hitler's places. The cycle of history

- In St. Petersburg, they knocked on the Museum of Modern Art. We saw in the picture of Putin and the discrediting of the RF Armed Forces

▪️One of the visitors looked at the picture of a bear with a helmet for a long time, but did not feel any stiffness. Even more, he realized that the bear — this is a symbol of Russia, Putin leads him on a chain through a swamp, and a camouflage net and a helmet with paint — this is blood and a reference to the conduct of a "military special operation."

▪️Now the museum can simply give the exhibit for examination and establish the meanings invested in it.

Well, this is how the brain should have been poisoned by propaganda

- In Russian schools, the African languages \u200b\u200bSwahili and Amharic began to be studied as additional ones, — Director of the Institute of Asian and African Studies, Moscow State University

▪️«This means that we have cross-cutting training: school — University — employer," said Alexey Maslov

Here it would be possible to joke harshly…😁 But we will only notice, did you also notice how fiercely Russia was turned towards third world countries over the year?

- Officials were asked to get rid of the smartphones of the American company Apple. The media report that the presidential administration has already received, and regional officials will soon receive recommendations related to the replacement of American smartphones with phones with a different operating system.

- Today's main international criminal blathers something about international law

- oh, kurwa!

- The inscription on the poster: "No - retirement at 64"

- Jade ribbon

- A resident of Essentuki denounced the police to the kindergarten — he was disturbed by rainbow-colored shops. According to Caution, the News, 65-year-old Nikolai was walking past the Zoryanochka building, when he suddenly saw multi-colored gates, as well as multi-colored benches on the territory of the kindergarten. He couldn't unsee it.

- Hitler was also sure that his Reich was there forever

- Right before C's arrival

- Famine of 1891-92. Russia annually exported wheat. So, in the firstIn one cold year, 3.5 million tons of grain were exported, and in the next year, when famine and an epidemic were already raging with might and main, 6.6 million tons of grain were sold to Europe. Familiar. Two paintings by Aivazovsky. 1892 about American aid

= Bakhmut Massacre

- The motto of modern Russia is not a day without a new bottom.

- Base

- It turns out that the Chinese owner is coming?

- What memes about Pukin's arrest do you like the most? I have this one:

- Kek

- Nationalism for dummies

- Very sorry (no)

- It turns out that Girkin has always been against the war... In Syria. And other stories about siskins.

- The Simpsons, S34E16, throughout the entire episode they are clearly hinting at someone...

-Global Recycling Day

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