Mercedes driver rammed a car dealership building in St. Petersburg

19 March 2023
Miraculously, no one died.

Another ridiculous accident with a driver who mixed up the pedals occurred in St. Petersburg. The owner of the SUV "Mercedes" tried to park at the car dealership, but instead of the brake he pressed the gas into the floor and flew into the building, where at the time of the accident there were dozens of people.
Judging by the video, the driver never found the brake pedal and was stopped by a wall.

In the video from the surveillance camera, it can be seen that the car crashed into the table, at which an employee and a customer of the car dealership were sitting. Both were injured. One of the victims escaped with a shin bruise and abrasions, and the second man with numerous bruises of the chest and limbs was hospitalized in the surgery department.

According to eyewitnesses, the driver of the incident was in shock. What punishment threatens the owner of the SUV is still unknown. It is noteworthy that the car dealership continued to work in the same mode in just a couple of hours.
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