35 photos of India that you have not seen yet (36 photos)

17 March 2023

After looking at these photos, you would hardly have guessed in which country they were made. But there must be a preface, and do not open it it is forbidden. This is India, more precisely, the state of Arunchal Pradesh, located on northeast of the country in the foothills of the Himalayas near the borders with Bhutan, Tibet and Myanmar.

For a long time this territory was occupied by different tribes with their own language or dialect, culture, religion, and today it differs in many ways from the rest of India.

Tourists here are rare guests: “Tourism has made a path there in literally "yesterday",” writes Maxim Ershov (spelling and punctuation preserved), who has already visited several states of this parts of India and share fresh vivid impressions on Turister.Ru.

…asphalt on mountain roads was laid two years before the coronavirus. So imagine what it was here a hundred years ago.

Already on the way from Delhi to Dibrugarh, where his journey began, he remarked:

Looking at passengers with stewardesses, you involuntarily notice that the faces are different from the usual India.

In Arunchal Pradesh, he visited several small cities: Ziro, Daporijo, Along, and now we can see their streets:

There are no architectural masterpieces in Daporijo, as well as colonial mansions left after the British

WITH land in Arunachal Pradesh, the situation is extremely incomprehensible. Buy can only a native of these places. Foreigners, as well as people from the mainland India, the land is not for sale. Local, in the absence of funds, anything can't build. Here are the unfinished buildings with rebar extended upwards, and empty lots are slowly but surely turning into a landfill.

The main attraction is cows, motorcycles, shops, bazaars and colorful people.

Leaving the hotel, we immediately fell into the tenacious embrace of true Asian life.

And at home. Quite simple, like the Apatami tribe:

The architectural structures of the locals do not differ in special chic: piles, frame, mat walls, thatched roof


And more capital:

If there is an official, a doctor or someone similar in the village, this is immediately clear from the design and decoration of the house.

Of course, the author did not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with local residents, in whose lives, until recently, were strong traditions. For example, with the Apat people.

Singing the same type of song, they waved their arms back and forth, Apatanki called for Spring. For a good harvest, Spring is needed appease

According to legend, Apatani women in the foothills of the Himalayas were considered the most beautiful, and they were stolen by neighboring tribes. To to stop the practice, they decided to apply tattoos on the face. one thick a thick line was drawn from the tip of the nose, went along the forehead and divided the face in half. Five others were let under the lower lip on the chin.

Local attention to the dancers did not pay. Someone was passing past by car, or on a bicycle, and did not even turn around. Other interested in foreigners

Over time, the ideals of beauty have changed. Women of steel pierce the nostrils and insert bamboo rounds there. The more kruglyash, the more beautiful the girl.

But at least a couple of decades ago, the author writes, this tradition was abandoned.

In the old days, men's clothing was loincloth bandage and cape. The hair was tied into a knot over the forehead and fastened wand. Young people do not follow the old fashion. Seen with this hairstyle only a priest

But if in Africa human legs are in a deplorable state, then here they are clean, as if from a bath

Decorated with feathers, they looked more like bright roosters, enticing chickens, but if this happened in a wild forest for a hundred years back, I’m more than sure that everything would have been different © Maxim Ershov

Thanks to Maxim, we can also find out how they live:

In the main hall, strictly in the center, there was a hearth - the spiritual center of the house

What do they eat:

If the people here are not differs in high growth, then the hens are comparable to our chickens. They lay very tiny eggs. When ordering a scrambled egg from two eggs, you need understand that it is actually from one.

I can’t say if it is caught here or brought from the Brahmaputra, but the fish was all along the route

What they do:

How rice is grown and processed:

Each flat area was used for agriculture or livestock.

Apatani skillfully used land, redirected mountain streams and rivers to the fields, creating a whole network terraced areas. Everything was done by eye, but in engineering terms, this surprisingly accurate solution.

What they do on vacation:

Someone was resting at home, someone was sitting by the fire

What do they trade:

And how holidays are celebrated. A bright event in the program of the trip of Marksim Ershov was the festival in Daporijo.

First of all, I would like to tell you about the festival. Our trip to East India was timed to coincide with it.

A long sword with a fur scabbard is not only a weapon. He protects from evil spirits. For the forces of darkness to be afraid, an upper jaw is needed monkeys, and even better - a leopard

The festival is celebrated annually from 4 to 6 January. The tradition dates back to 1975.

The priest is talking to otherworldly forces. They prompt and the priest directs the festival. Repeating UI (a form of oral prayers), he calls the Earth and Sun.

If you like the holiday, the Sun will warm the Earth and it will give a good harvest. Together they will drive away evil spirits from the people.

It gave the impression as if we really got into the past, or on the set of a historical film. The director and his assistants left, leaving us face to face with the extras.

There were many spectators and a certain part was also colorful

Following the guide, we unexpectedly found ourselves on another holiday.

… about nobody knows this town. The costumes were more modest, with At this, seeing us, the people honestly and sincerely rejoiced that we, too, lifted the mood.

Glowing with happiness, the people showed their awards with pleasure.

The kindness was captivating. The atmosphere of general happiness obscured the cold nights, peppered food and long journeys. You were here, you plunged into another life, you saw another world, not corrupted by money and globalization.

… if we compare festivals, in Dumporiho, captivating with its sincerity, I liked the holiday much more.

The author also does not forget to note the nature. Yes, on route rivers often appear framed by low green mountains.

The sun plays with glare on the water, its warm rays warm the mountains covered with greenery

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