A young inventor promoted his business in 6 weeks (4 photos)

17 March 2023

Bailey Page from Queensland, Australia made a fortune with his simple but very useful invention.

Australian Bailey Page earned over $65,000 in 6 weeks selling portable wireless chargers for mobile phones of their own invention.

Today, the 22-year-old inventor is the founder and director of Zip Zap Chargers, the manufacturer of Australia's first wireless phone charger.

The idea of the invention came to his mind when he was returning from friends home late at night after the wedding. Bailey wanted to go home in a taxi, but his phone's battery ran out and he had to go home walking through the night city. The next morning, Bailey was rummaging through the Internet in search of a portable charger for the phone, and not finding it, I decided to invent my own.

Bailey was only 20 at the time. He used all his savings, about $20,000 to start your project. For development It took him nine months to complete the product. From the very first days he showed high rates of online sales.

The Zip Zap charger is compatible with iPhone, Airpods and iPad and uses a unique bracket that securely holds mobile phone charger. It takes about two hours to fully charge your smartphone with the included cable supplies.

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