Mexican drug cartel apologizes to US for kidnapping American citizens

15 March 2023
Four Americans came to Mexico for a tummy tuck, and got into a criminal batch. Survived, unfortunately, not all.

A Mexican group calling itself the Gulf Cartel (CDG) sent an "official" letter of apology to the US authorities and attached 5 linked gang members responsible for the kidnapping and death of several American citizens.

The incident occurred on March 3 in Matamoros, Mexico, located near the Texas city of Brownsville. Several armed cartel members loaded four Americans into a pickup truck at gunpoint and fled in an unknown direction. A day later, local police found the victims tied up in an abandoned house. Two of them were dead.

As it turned out later, five stupid bandits confused four Americans who came to the city for cosmetic procedures (tummy tuck) with members of a rival group. At the same time, they did not begin to understand, but immediately opened fire, accidentally killing one local resident.

The "repentant" letter, written on behalf of the leaders of the CDG, states that the members of the group acted of their own free will and therefore must be held accountable for their deeds. In the United States, by the way, the letter was considered legal - that is, they are sure that the cartel itself extradited the suspects in the crime.

We decided to extradite those involved and directly responsible for the events, who acted at all times of their own free will.

Gulf cartel Grupo Escorpiones strongly condemns the events of Friday, March 3, during which, unfortunately, an innocent working mother died and four American citizens were abducted, two of whom died, the letter says. - For this reason, we have decided to transfer those who are involved in the events and are directly responsible for them, who have always acted out of their own determination and indiscipline and contrary to the rules by which the CDG has always acted.

It is noted that the bandits were handed over along with bulletproof vests, ammunition and weapons with which they were on that ill-fated day.
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