In Nizhny Tagil, a life safety teacher hit two fifth-graders

15 March 2023
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The man has already been fired. And the parents of the "beaten" children are planning to write a statement to the police.

In one of the schools in Nizhny Tagil there was another scandal with the teacher. A young OBZH teacher, for educational purposes, right at the lesson, hit one student with a stick on the leg, and slapped the second in the face. The OBZhshnik beat weakly and rather as a joke, but nevertheless raised his hand to the children. The video posted on social networks angered the parents and they decided to contact the police. Parents of schoolchildren are sure that such teachers should not work in schools. However, even without their indignation, the management of the educational institution fired the man on the same day.

We are very afraid that after that he will go unpunished and even worse if he continues to work with children like this! People like him should not be allowed near children for a cannon shot.

The teachers were fired yesterday, March 9th. Local media reports that no one has brought a statement to the police yet. Opinions were divided on the behavior of the teacher. Many local residents consider him a good teacher and regret that schools are losing young teachers because of such videos.

It is unfortunate that because of such a situation turned against the teacher, our educational organizations are losing young teachers. Soon there will be no one to work in schools. I do not justify the teacher, but it is very unfortunate that this happens. It can be seen that there is no discipline in the classroom, and all this is from the permissiveness granted to today's children ... I wish all teachers to be patient in such situations.

Recall that the deputies of the State Duma are now working on a law that would prohibit the filming of the educational process by a schoolchild. Alena Arshinova, the first deputy chairman of the education committee, believes that schoolchildren very often provoke teachers, and then remove their reaction, which often harms them.

Now there are many facts when schoolchildren deliberately provoke a teacher into a conflict by recording a video on the phone during the process and posting it on the Internet. It humiliates both the teacher and other students in the class.

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