Out of politics, but with a stigma: how did the Fuhrer's sister live her life? (7 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
14 March 2023

Hitler had no children. And the only ones closest sisters became relatives after death - half-blooded Angela and dear Paula.

Clara and Elois had six children. But four died in infancy, and only the last offspring survived - Adolf and Paula, who was six years younger than her brother.

Elois died in 1903. Clara also died four years later. who was not in good health. Adolf arranged all the necessary documents to receive benefits, waited for the appointment of payments and left learn painting. A relative lived in Linz, and for several years after the death of their mother, they practically did not communicate.

Paula in her youth

In 1920, a young woman moved to Vienna, got a job to work as a secretary and served in an insurance company for almost 10 years. When her family connection with Hitler was revealed, the woman was fired. Brother, feeling some guilt for what had happened, he took his sister to full support. AND in order to avoid further difficulties, he ordered a relative to change her surname. So Paula became Wolf.

Personal life

In young age

Paula was quite pretty and did not lack male attention. Shortly after starting an affair with a doctor from Vienna, Erwin With Ekelius, the couple decided to legalize the relationship.

The woman told her brother that she wanted to get married. Hitler is not not only did not agree, but also became furious because of an attempt by an outsider men approach his family.

The man was arrested on Hitler's personal order. During while in prison, Erwin signed a document confirming that he did not will approach Wolf and will not have any relationship with the woman.

The doctor was sent to the front. Near the end of the war, he was captured by Soviet soldiers and died of cancer diseases in a labor camp in 1952.

Paula moved into her brother's residence and took over housekeeper duties. After the outbreak of the war, she went to work in a hospital secretary. Another surname did not connect her with the Führer in any way. Woman lived quietly and modestly, worked diligently, had no privileges enjoyed. Did she know about the policy pursued by her brother? Undoubtedly. Did you show support? It's hard to judge. But if we start from warm relationship, then yes rather than no.

Shortly before the surrender, the woman was taken for protection to the Bavarian residence, where in May 1945 Paulo was arrested by the Americans. IN during numerous interrogations, they came to the conclusion that the sister was not associated with Hitler's crimes. She was released, and Wolf moved to Vienna.

She continued to lead a secluded life, working in art salon, I tried not to contact the press. Shortly before her death, the woman agreed to the only interview, during which denied Hitler's crimes.

The woman returned the name and started a lawsuit with the authorities for the Fuhrer's legacy. However, he clearly stated in the will the last will: everything should go to the state. The only thing I could count Paula, had a stake in one of the residences called "Eagle Nest". But neither to issue an inheritance, nor to use it, she could no longer: in 1960, Paula Hitler died of oncology.

The grave of the woman remained ownerless, there was no one behind her care. And at the beginning of this century, a married couple was buried to her.

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