russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 6

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
7 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- In the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, a conscript shot two colleagues: what is known now

▪️It happened at night in the 37th motorized rifle brigade of the military unit 69647 of the Sudzhansky district, on the border with Ukraine.

▪️Sentry Magomed M., born in 2000, heard strangers in the zone of his post. He shouted: "Stop, who's coming?", but no one answered him. Then he started shooting.

▪️As a result, a 19-year-old conscript from Tatarstan died, and a 22-year-old soldier from Novosibirsk was hospitalized (he is in the photo).

After serving 8 months in the army, and never having learned the duties of a sentry, three mobiles will not give mothers a white fret from the front line: one will go to the tribunal, the second ended up in the hospital, and the third — at the cemetery

- The offensives of the occupiers in the Donbass create good conditions for the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, — ISW.

Analysts note ( that the culmination of the current three Russian offensives is likely to allow Ukrainian forces to launch a counteroffensive in any location along the front line which they deem most suitable for such operations.

- Russia and Iran have doubts about cooperation, — financial times.

The publication notes ( that Tehran is open for further cooperation with Moscow, but Russia is hesitant to buy ballistic missiles from Iran because fears that the United States will supply Kiev with long-range missiles (ATACMS) in response.

- The fall of Bakhmut will not mean that Russia changed the course of the war, — head of the Pentagon.

Austin stated ( analysts-say) that "Bakhmut has more symbolic meaning than strategic". At the same time, he refused to predict whether the city would be captured by Russian troops.

- And the victory in the "Battle of psychics" goes to the Yaroslavl ordinary tanker Ogorodov Ilya Andreevich

That's right, "Be ready!" — "Always ready!"

- HSE members will be banned from running for the Rada for 10 years

▪️Zelensky registered a bill of "fair" retaliation " in parliament

- How did you go to Ukraine, can you recommend the trip to your friends?

▪️Sound engineer and hockey player Olzey Uran-Sai Mergenovich, born in 1990. from Tyva in September 2022 he was mobilized, and already on February 23, 2023 he "died tragically in the NWO".

I could wave a stick in my native Philharmonic until retirement🏒

▪️Senior midshipman Khadzhiev Damir Davletmamedovich, born in 1981 after a mysterious (come on!) incident on 17/6/22 (hmm, what could it be🤔), according to relatives, he “couldn’t land and stayed at sea.”

We don't even know what the destruction of the Russian tug "Vasily Bekh" by Ukrainians has to do with it. June 16 last year. Probably just a coincidence

- Bulgaria sent weapons worth $1 billion to Ukraine through intermediaries, — Euractiv.

Last year, Bulgaria exported ( to Ukraine weapons worth at least $1 billion through other countries — Poland and Romania.

- The Rada proposes to take away cars for drunk driving in favor of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Also, in the draft law, the authors of the initiative ( propose to increase the fine for drunk driving to UAH 51,000 (now the fine is from 17 to 32 thousand UAH).

- Ukraine until the summer may not receive military assistance from the international fund, — The Guardian.

UK-led fund ( suffers from - due to bureaucratic delays and, apparently, will not be able to provide new weapons until the summer. Of the amount of £520 million, according to the publication, only £200 million has been allocated so far.

- Practically surrounded Ukrainian servicemen push back the Russians in Bakhmut, — NYT.

The publication notes ( that Ukrainian assault brigades went on the attack on Saturday. Hundreds of troops joined the counter-offensive, launching attacks from the ground and bombarding Russian positions with artillery.

Prior to this, the forces of Ukraine moved to push back the invaders from the last main road leading to the city. This saved both the supply line and the withdrawal route if the APU decided to retreat.

- To burn calories from a glass of beer, you need to walk 5000 steps: a study.

On the photo — the number of calories in the most popular alcoholic beverages, as well as the number ( steps, which must be passed in order to compensate them.

- "We're all going to get fucked up": Prigozhin on how things are near Bakhmut.

"The Armed Forces of Ukraine created three groups to block the advance of the Wagner. I knock on all doors, sound the alarm with ammunition and reinforcements so that we can cover our flanks. If everyone does this work in a coordinated manner, then we block the APU. If not, then everyone will get fucked", — Prigogine said.

- World stars will perform at a charity concert in support of Ukraine, — The Sun.

The publication notes ( that they want to organize a concert on June 24 in London and will be broadcast worldwide .

Singer Pink, bands U2, The Rolling Stone, The Killers, musician Paul McCartney and others will attend the event.

- In the meantime, Rusnya

What nonentities. All the way lies, distortion, newspeak. Just nasty bastards.

As they themselves do not turn out from the constant doublethink and shielding the ghouls.

- I brought you good news (for once)

What do we wish the Russian economy?

- There are not enough hands to make coffins - In Volgodonsk, carpenters and joiners are required for a ritual agency. The salary is promised very high by local standards - up to 60 thousand per month. The locals do not even believe in such conditions and are afraid that they can mobilize in this way.

What happened?

- Neurons got to the magicians

- Ukrainian refugee in Russia subjected to punitive psychiatry

A refugee from Kharkov, Irina, was subjected to punitive psychiatry for about a year for refusing to accept Russian citizenship. In May 2022, Irina was taken by bus to Belgorod and sent to a temporary detention facility.

Ukrainian refused to disclose information about herself, and she was placed in a Belgorod psychiatric hospital, and on August 10 she was transferred to a hospital in Engels, Saratov region. Irina was prescribed galloperidol — an outdated heavy neuroleptic used in the treatment of schizophrenia. When Irina was evacuated, she did not have Ukrainian documents with her.

Therefore, officials began to promise her release in exchange for agreeing to take Russian citizenship.

In September 2022, Irina's son managed to find his mother and turn to lawyers. On February 21, human rights activist Alexei Pryanishnikov succeeded in removing the requirements for the patient to obtain Russian citizenship. Two days later, Irina returned home.

Irina with her son.

- Amur orphans are being persuaded by the authorities to go to the front to receive housing, which they are already entitled to by law. A participant in the war - an orphan receives a priority right to a housing certificate.

- In Belarus, everything is according to plan

- Don-don and I are like watermelons

- Bulgarians admired

- How long will the BPR close Russian-speaking schools?!

- "Boy Fedor" spoke. And How! The best education in BryaNR!

- As they say...

- Space debris

- Z-patriots rejoice at the huge number of corpses of Russians in the war: "Coffins will change Russia." They will change, of course. But there is a nuance

- Z- "economist" and information gypsy Mikhail Khazin: the ruble can dominate in one of the economic zones into which the world is falling apart

- When Arestovich gave out the base again

- Eternal memory to the fearless warrior

- PMC "Wagner" decided to "reduce the bureaucracy" and began to recruit patients of neuropsychiatric dispensaries - Present Tense

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