russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for March 3

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
4 March 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- #losses of invaders as of 03.03

🔻+ 765 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️Senior Lieutenant Denis Brazhnik

▪️Reserve Colonel of the National Guard Aleksey Lipatov

▪️Lt. Alexey Shirnin

▪️special forces officer Rinat Akhmetov

- The US does not plan new negotiations with Russia, — representative of the US State Department.

"After the meeting between US State Department Secretary Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov at the G20 summit in India, we do not expect a high-level official dialogue in the near future", — stated ( Ned Price.

- There is no distance where we would not get Russian abominations and destroy them, — Danilov.

➡️ The possibilities that Russia had before, and the possibilities now, regarding the delivery of massive strikes, are already completely different. They save missiles.

➡️ China will not supply weapons to the Russian Federation, it does not need it from the word at all.

➡️ Putin constantly wants to conditionally "rape" Lukashenka so that he makes the decisions necessary for the Russian Federation. I don't think Putin will be able to put the squeeze on him.

➡️ If Sandu turns to Ukraine with a request to help support Moldova militarily, it will be considered.

- The United States in Germany, as part of the exercises, worked out 2 offensive options with the Ukrainian military, — NYT.

The task of Biden's high-ranking generals — develop a strategy to counter the Russian Federation in the coming months. High-ranking officials name 2 options for the Ukrainian offensive:

➡️ Kyiv can go on the offensive in the north-east or east of the country, including in Donetsk and Lugansk.

➡️ Ukraine may target a land corridor connecting mainland Russia with Crimea.

- Kamyshin was appointed a freelance adviser to President Zelensky.

Earlier, Alexander Kamyshin left the post of head of the board of Ukrzaliznytsia.

- Putin keeps making the same basic mistakes, — The Telegraph.

➡️ Putin demonstrates ( poor understanding of the weather. This is surprising, since this is what got the Russians into a quandary last year.

➡️ Putin hoped to restore the morale of the soldiers. It was another miscalculation. Morale will always be higher in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. No amount of Putin's speeches will change this dynamic.

➡️ He may be hoping for an air advantage as the spring weather clears the skies. But it would also make it easier for Ukrainian forces to shoot down planes and help Western intelligence services relay information to Ukrainian forces, allowing them to strike far behind the front lines. We should expect new strikes on Russian headquarters.

➡️ In the spring and summer, Ukrainian troops will dominate the battlefields.

- Ukraine spends 10,000 hryvnias monthly on the maintenance of one prisoner, — Ministry of Justice

According to the Deputy Minister ( of Justice Vysotskaya, this amount includes food, utilities, staff salaries, security, escort, etc.

In September, the number of captured Russians amounted to 2500. That is, in September alone, 25 million hryvnias were spent on their maintenance.

- The Ministry of Digital Development officially demanded to ban the game Atomic Heart.

A request to the owners of the main leading trading platforms (Steam, Sony and Microsoft stores) was sent ( by the Minister of Digital Transformation Fedorov, stating that this is a completely new level Russian qifravoy propaganda — use of the gaming industry.

- Kadyrov has serious health problems, — Bild.

Over the past few ) months he recovered a lot, looks very swollen, and in the video he often cannot open his eyes. It is assumed that Kadyrov has serious kidney problems.

They say that he brought a doctor from the United Arab Emirates to Chechnya because he does not trust doctors in Moscow. That is why the head of Chechnya could not attend Putin's speech on February 21st.

- Flasks for the Armed Forces of Ukraine were purchased at a 10 times higher price, — investigation of the "Commander-in-Chief".

On March 23, 2022, the Ministry of Defense directly, without tenders, concluded ) contract with the capital OOO "Prologue Service". It was about the supply of more than 100 thousand pieces of Chinese-made army flasks. The real price of such a flask is $0.59, while the documentation says $7.9.

Losses of the state budget from this transaction could amount to more than 700 thousand dollars.

- China is still considering providing weapons to Russia, — representative of the US National Security Council.

Kirby noted ( that the Biden administration has not yet believe that "China has decided to move forward" and removed the issue from discussion.

In parallel, Reuters claims that if China supplies aid to Russia, it will be an absolute red line, and the EU will respond.

- Professor Lebedinsky

- Foreign agents are already wound up in the subway

- Puilo met with the eldest son of Don-don. Perhaps the elder Kadyrov is no longer really a tenant. But it won't really change anything.

- In 2013 Monstration was held under this slogan. And it's true

- Directed by vladimir putin

Does this shit really exist?

- Ringtones, polyphony, java games

- A resident of Moscow was arrested for two months in a case of treason. The FSB claims that she transferred money to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The article on treason provides for a punishment of 12 to 20 years in prison. "Present Tense".

- Bulgarians admired

- More and more sophisticated

- painfully

- Bulldog Mira was pulled out from under the rubble of a house destroyed by a Russian missile, Zaporozhye

- Keep the snow-covered Saratov ebony

- side effects of vaccination

- OnRussia without a Ukrainian passport and hryvnia anywhere)

- These are the school buses according to Rospropaganda

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