Casino valet drove a Lamborghini... into another Lamborghini (3 photos + 1 video)

2 March 2023

In Australia, there are two cars at once, which are considered one of the the most exclusive in the world, suffered through the fault of the valet. Every a supercar costs about $1 million.

Keys for two Lamborghini Aventador Ultimaes handed over valet at the Crown Casino in Perth, but he lost control, rearranging one of the cars, and hit the second car from behind, after which crashed into the wall.

These blue and purple supercars are the latest version popular model Aventador of the Italian manufacturer. They belong Billionaire Lawrence Escalante, who made his fortune in virtual games, and the cost of each is about $ 1 million.

Video taken immediately after the accident shows the damage front bumper blue Lamborghini; replacement will cost about 20 000 dollars.

In a video posted on Instagram with the caption "They smashed our rented car," and the valet looks off into the distance. "I really [screwed up] now,” he tells colleagues.

Also in the video, the parking attendant, still in shock, smiles and tries to explain how the accident happened: “See, those two pedals too close to each other. I pressed the brake, and she took and went,” he said.

Escalante expressed his dissatisfaction with the casino and the parking attendant on Instagram.

“Two of the last Aventadors… Crown insurance will suffer,” he wrote, “Sucks, lessons learned for everyone. Crown will figure it out and fix it their". He then reported that the cars had been taken to the workshop for repair.

Social media users went berserk after seeing the damage done to luxury supercars.

"Just think, crash into a Lambo ... INTO ANOTHER LAMBO," - written by one of the users. “Brother thought he was in GTA [Grand Theft Auto],” added another.

Crown Casino confirmed that the incident took place on Wednesday evening and said no one was hurt in the crash.

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