In Kazan, a woman fell from the 6th floor, dusted herself off and went home

28 February 2023
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It is about such that they say "born in a shirt"!

A 42-year-old resident of Kazan can celebrate her second birthday. She fell off the balcony of the sixth floor, but remained alive and even refused to see a doctor.

The moment the lady landed in the snowdrift was observed by the janitor, who helped her up and launched her into the entrance of the house. As the woman later explained, the door jammed in the room where she was, and she decided to get out of the apartment through the balcony.

Carefully! The video is not recommended for viewing by impressionable and pregnant women!

A very strange decision, considering that Madame lives on the sixth floor. However, she still managed to leave the apartment, however, in an accelerated way. But the fact that she survived a fall from such a height is amazing, even considering the high snowdrifts next to the house. By the way, if a person feels fine after such adventures, doctors advise to see traumatologists after all. First impressions after a fall can be misleading, and there is a high risk of injury to internal organs.

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