"Is this a balloon?": an American came to the exhibition and broke a sculpture worth 42 thousand dollars (5 photos + 1 video)

23 February 2023

A visitor to the exhibition of contemporary masters did not believe that the sculpture is made of fragile porcelain and tapped on the "dog".

The pre-show of Art Wynwood in Miami ended in embarrassment. On the night before the opening of the art fair, the organizers staged a VIP show contemporary art collections to artists and potential customers, but something went wrong.

One of the visitors broke the sculpture of Jeff Koons worth 42 thousand dollars.

The broken sculpture looked like a blue dog twisted from balloons. Actually, it was part of a whole series under called Balloon Dog, the exhibits of which differed in different sizes (up to 3 meters), shape and color.

The blue dog stood on a transparent pedestal, and not one of them of the visitors of the fair did not cause a desire to touch it. However, this an immutable rule for exhibitions and museums. However, one of the women doubted the material from which the sculptor performed his work. Looks like a balloon and is not a balloon? The lady approached the dog tapped it with her finger and broke it.

The porcelain sculpture broke into many fragments.

By the way, some of those present thought that this performance, although Madame herself, who destroyed the exhibit, was very ashamed. However, the American will not have to pay the cost of the broken works from your own pocket - Bel-Air Fine Art gallery employee Benedict Kaluch explained that the sculpture was insured.

The author of the blue dog is considered one of the most successful contemporary artists. His works are sold for fabulous money, and the sculpture "Rabbit" made of stainless steel went to a new owner for a record $91 million.

And the china dog accident seems to be just will raise the cost of the remaining sculptures. Cedric Boero - Regional Bel-Air Fine Art Gallery Business Development Manager - believes that because the number of exhibits from the Balloon Dog series has decreased, they have become even more expensive. By the way, fragments of the blue dog can also be sold, they are already collectors were interested.

And they say that contemporary art is not able to evoke emotions!

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