Famine and genocide: how Ireland lost half of its population due to England's actions (7 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
14 February 2023

Genocide - rich, impeccable, terrible. Middle of the best Applied and Holocaust and Rwandan Podії. Ale, few people know what to such a famine is brought about by the Great Famine in Ireland, like a buoy on the islands of chotiri dovgi roki and taking life until the end of the city population.

Vtіm, genocide, it is possible, the word is richer and gets used sooner by Irish radicals, like they choose independence in English in every possible way. So, for example, dosi guess Englishmen are afraid of the revolutionaries from the IRA. ale in Really famously bulo viklikano sukupnistyu factors, yakі in nadali led to mass migration, including on “floating trunks" in the USA and Canada.

Potato famine in Ireland

On the back of the head, understand that Ireland in principle was bula for the English an agrarian land of a different sort, but set to a miserable the population was clear. Wedged in and those who are Irish - Catholics, that those that most of them were mad at the wound and screamed until night earth. With what diet they have such a thing that even if they wanted, the stench vibrated richly rich agricultural good, for the fact they were eating potatoes, yak high appreciated. True, the root is already alive, but the Irish are not enough earlier for all they realized that it’s easy to see yoga - you’re not vigilant maybe grow up in the Republic of Komi.


Before that, a lot of villagers did not manage their land - as a rule, the power of the English aristocrats won out, they just rented it out, but they themselves could once in a lifetime so do not come to the island. To that, to pay the rent, mіstsevі inhabitants cultivated expensive crops for sales, to cover the rent, while they themselves lived on potatoes and milk. Zagalom, not so already and nasty, ale bad luck I believe that closer to the summer the reserves were most likely to run out, and Mіstsevim happened to live starving. Aje Yakshcho plant more for yourself otherwise don’t sell it - you’ll have to wait and popovnyuvat the warehouse of workers budinkiv, wash with those who were stingy.

Epitophytotic late blight

More reasons - falling prices for bread through the saying "Khlibnykh" zakoniv”, and reorientation of the orange under the pasovishcha. Ale is basically famously prinіs epіtofіtіy late bіtoftoroz, like to Europe having consumed from America. Tse roslyn is so ill, as it is transmitted as if from people to people only from growing to growing. Until then, as we know, the more potential noses, the more the virus spreads. I in Ireland, de fields with potatoes were majestic, the disease was transmitted from naming swedishness. Before that, won was transferred through water drains at contacts of bulbi with bulbi.

It is important to understand and else - to fight against the disease together Mayzha didn’t mind. At the result of infestation, but still adnexa before planting potatoes, they planted again, and the disease began to expand again. I so, ring out the squad to help the villagers in times of hunger, ale the problem was in the fact that here it was trapilos once a sprat of rock was born. At As a result, if in 1845 the peasants dug up crops, it became obvious that life is an important product of decaying earth. І ce became a majestic blow.

And so, the order of justice was right yakus podtrimku: quiet, who stood on their feet for a moment, they took on heavy ones, physically costly robots, but there are some jobs at the robot booth. With whom people really didn’t have to cry over the landlords, and a lot of people they spent their houses, they lived in generations.

The press, which is especially not among the ruling elites, described tse so - the farmer knew the harvest near the field, and already the next day to sack, that all the potatoes have rotted, and now they are no good for people, or for people. creature.

Massive deaths rose to the dawn of a new fate. prick it’s not rich, but it’s still far away from the brothers, already they were. Take it from your cherga, less grown. In the midst of hunger, ailments did not become rare. typhus, cholera, dysentery flooded the country. Mіstseva administration, at their cherga, did not want to help people - wheat, for example, was imported to England. Before that, just under the convoys vіdminnim.

Ale close Ireland in the light did not go far. About the results recognized and wide ranges of the population of England, and from the whole world. I do not help in the British order flowed like water. Particularly supplemented

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