The computer master in an unusual way expressed his disagreement with the client

4 February 2023
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In Kaliningrad, a man called a computer wizard and said that he could not open a folder with files. The specialist said that the damage is serious and it needs to be urgently repaired. Otherwise, the computer may almost explode. The master was told that he was hanging noodles on people's ears, and then he suffered. Instead of professionalism, the client saw something different.

Comment from the author :

"In general, I decided to diversify my evening and call the master, like the computer broke. The breakdown is so-so - the loss of access to the folder ... I wanted to check the qualifications of the master, if the master had coped with the problem with a bang, he would have received a good amount and excellent reputation, but unfortunately...

They sentenced the hard drive, with the words: "everything is bad and the computer will almost explode soon." And when the unfortunate master was told that he was breeding, the master suffered))))). The hard drive was restored by me with him in 10 seconds. Draw your own conclusions."
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