Why the Negroid race is distinguished by such plump lips (4 photos)

22 January 2023

Why is this particular race distinguished by such large lips? Everything quite simply, if we recall the ancestors of Africans from hot tropics.

When the heat is constant, a person needs to constantly cool. The easiest way is to evaporate moisture. There are three ways: when help breathing, through sweat and through mucous membranes. And the more the area of the mucous lips, the better, of course.

That is, voluminous lips, as well as wide noses and large nostrils of the African race are designed precisely to deal with high temperatures.

But Asians and Europeans usually have thin lips. In conditions in a cool, if not completely harsh climate, they do not need moisture loss. By the way, thick lips help to more reliably cover the oral cavity from dust, harmful insects, dust.

According to a number of anthropologists, the lips also increased in the result of aesthetic sexual selection. Well, that is, women with full sensual lips on the African continent were considered more prolific, married faster and had more children.

In the cool climate of northern Europe, large lips are much faster cracked and weathered, so they were not particularly attractive. Here with centuries and have not developed to the level of Jolie. And, as a possible option, nature just took care of the proportionality of the African face - large and wide nostrils, under which plump lips were fitted.

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