She survived a lion attack and stalked the famous singer for 9 years: the story of one madness (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
22 January 2023

The girl in the photo is called Nell Theobald. She was born October 5, 1944 year in the US city of Atlanta. From a young age, the girl dreamed of becoming opera singer. Immediately after school, she left her home and moved to New York.

In a few moments, the lion will pounce on the girl. She will be saved but the attack of the beast will leave a serious wound. Mental, not physical. Soon this beauty herself will turn into an obsessed predator.

But in order to sing on the stage of the Metropolitan Opera, well, or at least would have been in not the most famous theaters of Broadway, the girl clearly lacked talent.

Nell has worked as a hostess in restaurants, a dancer in nightclubs and fashion model. They paid well, but there was no free time.

On April 6, 1966, Nell Theobald arrived for a commercial shoot on International Automobile Salon in New York. According to the idea of a fashion model was supposed to pose among luxury cars. But not alone, but with the most real lion.

The animal was delivered from one private circus. Lion by name


behaved calmly. Nell first got used to the predator through the bars in cell. Then the lion on a leash at the trainer walked around the hall. And finally the girl was allowed to approach.

Ludwig accepted the stranger normally. He allowed himself to be petted and even leaned on.

Photographers, in order not to miss valuable shots, began to click camera shutters. Perhaps it was the bright flashes that frightened and enraged the wild beast. Ludwig sank his teeth into the girl's leg. He began to tear it with his claws.

The trainer did not immediately, but was able to drag the angry animal into the cage. Nell was rushed to the hospital.

Nothing threatened her life, but at first the doctors wanted her leg amputate. The girl literally begged not to make her a cripple. And in The hospital decided to take the risk.

Nell was discharged after 1.5 months. They saved her leg, but they remained terrible scars. About the further career of a fashion model and dancer could not be out of the question.

Nell Theobald nevertheless got into the pages of newspapers and in television news releases. As she had long dreamed of. It's a pity that in section "Incidents".

She filed a lawsuit against the organizers of the photo shoot for a total amount of 3 million dollars. As a result, both parties signed a settlement agreement, according to to whom a car dealer paid Nell Theobald $250,000 compensation.

Today, adjusted for inflation, that's about $2.2 million. Remember this figure, because the denouement of our story is ahead ...

Having become a wealthy girl, Nell quit her job and decided dedicate yourself to your favorite opera. She became a regular at prime ministers at the best American and European theaters. Joined the "opera party", became among artists, directors and critics.

For flights, for tickets, for evening dresses and receptions - for everything it required huge sums. Whatever one may say, but opera is entertainment for wealthy people. And the monetary compensation received for the injury seemed to the girl inexhaustible.

In the summer of 1968, Nell Theobald was at an opera festival in the Bavarian city of Bayreuth. This festival of music and singing is famous for only the works of the German composer are performed there Richard Wagner.

Here Nell met the already great opera singer from Sweden.

Birgit Nilsson

(1918-2005). She is considered the best female performer in the 20th century. soprano parts from Wagner's operas. She has performed on all the major stages of the world, in including visiting the USSR.

What happened in Nell Theobald's head after meeting Birgit Nilsson, one can only guess. But the girl, enchanted by the opera diva, turned into a real obsessed monster.

From now on, she began to come to all the performances of the Swedish singer, in no matter where in the world they pass. Every day in hotels and dressing rooms sent bouquets of Birgit's favorite dark red roses. Bombarded her with letters sometimes ten a month.

However, the stubborn and not entirely adequate American will simply start to frighten the opera host. She forbade her to approach.

Not only did this not stop Nell, but it irritated her even more. By memories of her friends, she lost all connection with reality.

girl stoppingpour in the same hotels where Birgit Nilsson. Once even got to the Nobel Prize, where invited an opera prima.

Bribed maids to let her enter the room singers. Nell stole perfumes, underwear and other things of her idol, and then she told her friends that these were gifts from her beloved.

Yes, Nell Theobald trumpeted to everyone that she was intimate with Birgit. At the same time, the American continued, as before, to meet with men, and in same-sex relationships has never been seen. mistress Nilsson is also from a traditional family. From 1948 until her death, she lived with her only husband, who briefly outlived his wife.

Birgitt Nilsson featured on the 500 SEK banknote

So the love story is pure fiction. But it's not uncommon for a fan to chase his idol. Usually this happens in the field of popular music, but as we see, even in opera appear possessed.

Birgit's "reply letters" became another facet of madness. Nell learned to imitate the handwriting of a Swedish singer and wrote on her behalf herself hundreds of messages.

It is not known how this whole story would have ended if Nell Theobald didn't run out of money. The same huge compensation for the attack of the lion was wasted on the opportunity of 9 years to be near his idol. She had no other sources of income.

In 1977, using the last of her funds, she flew to Vienna and removed a room in the same five-star hotel where Birgit Nilsson was staying. But there is no money for flowers, for bribing maids and for a ticket to the theater. left. In the evening, when the singer performed on the stage of the Vienna State Opera, Nell took a handful of sleeping pills and tranquilizers.

Then she was kicked out. But when she returned to America, the girl decided finish what you started. August 20, 1977 in a cheap motel room in New York littered with those forged letters, Nell Theobald took a lethal dose.

In the last note, she requested that her ashes be scattered in Birgit Nilsson's garden in Sweden. Naturally, no one did this.

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