Jip Kapi 1955: microcar with a single-cylinder engine from Barcelona (9 photos + 1 video)

Category: Retro cars, PEGI 0+
15 January 2023

This car looks like someone decided to create a smaller a copy of the post-war "Willis" in his garage. But in reality before us is one of the rarest representatives of the Spanish car industry. called he is Jip Kapi.

The machine owes its existence to a retired captain infantry Frederico Saldana from Spain, who decided to try himself in the auto industry. He was limited in resources, and bank loans they were reluctantly given for such an adventure, so the developments of Saldana differed in small size and primitive technical solutions.

Under the hood is revealed ... a lot of free space. However, on the right you can see the gas tank, and approximately in the center is the power unit, which is a motorcycle two-stroke 8-horsepower engine 200 cm3 and a three-speed gearbox, also from a motorcycle.

Unlike most of these sidecars, Saldana even did not bother to introduce an electric starter into his "jeep", therefore potential owners were invited to pull the clockwork several times handle placed in the salon.

Also, the forced air casings are not visible on the engine. cooling, but generally it was provided. Visible on this device they were lost.

The rear axle drive is also extremely primitive - chain, with one intermediate support. There is no differential, of course.

The production of these micromachines lasted about a year, from 1955 to 1956, the total circulation is unknown, and to this day it is known for sure about two surviving instances of Jip Kapi, and according to some sources, there is a third, in closed private collection.

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