russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for January 12

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
13 January 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- «Geroev» "special operations" need to know in person

Will this madhouse ever end???

- About how disgustingly the "Wagnerites" lie

Today Prigozhin's channels "Wagner Detachment" and "GRAY ZONE" published the documents of two foreigners: Briton Christopher Matthew Parry and New Zealander Andrew Tobias Matthew Bagshaw.

The occupiers stated that they found the body of one of them in Soledar, and that they were foreign fighters who fought on the side of Ukraine.

In fact, they have nothing to do with the military. Both volunteers, who repeatedly took out civilians from Bakhmut and Soledar. They did not have anything that would confirm their belonging to the Armed Forces.

Volunteers disappeared on January 6 during an attempt to evacuate a Ukrainian woman from Dachnaya Street in Soledar.

- Luxurious life of Shoigu children

Ksenia Shoigu went to Dubai for the New Year holidays. There, she and her husband stayed at Caesars Palace Dubai, where vacations cost no less than $8,000.

You can't forbid living beautifully when dad is the Minister of War of the Russian Federation

In addition to the daughter of Shoigu, the daughter of the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service Naryshkin also had fun in Dubai during the New Year holidays

And during the war, Veronika visited the Seychelles, Bali and Turkey (a NATO country!)

- The last photo of "vocational school graduates" in Makeevka dated December 31 appeared

The photo was published by co-founder of the international volunteer community InformNapalm, OSINT expert Irakli Komakhidze ( On it, the invaders gathered to drink "for victory", not knowing that they would have to drink already at a concert at Kobzon's.

“Russian publics distribute a photo dated December 31 from a vocational school in Makeevka with occupying mobiles celebrating the New Year. Who, in the last seconds of their lives, were going to drink a toast "this year was difficult ... for victory," Komakhidze wrote.

- Oops, it seems in Soledar at the "Wagnerites" there were some problems…

- #losses of invaders as of 12.01

🔻+ 430 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

▪️Major Yuri Lanin

▪️Senior Lieutenant Vitaly Kondratenko

▪️battalion commander Major Yevgeny Zadvornov

▪️Senior Lieutenant Alexey Pashchenko

▪️Dinar Kadyrov

- The Russians will not be able to support offensive operations in 2023 due to a shortage of ammunition, — ISW.

Analysts say the Russians have exhausted their stocks of 122-mm and 152-mm caliber and other reserves in the summer of 2022. The defense-industrial base of Russia cannot overcome the deficit that has arisen.

- The US Congress will vote to place Zelensky's bust in the Capitol, — said a member of the House of Representatives.

The bill entered the top ten resolutions at the first session of Congress in the new year.

- The new government of Israel will not change policy and transfer weapons to Kyiv, so as not to spoil relations with Russia, — Politico.

Israel provided Kyiv with food, medicine, water and other humanitarian aid. But he has not yet offered Ukraine his significant military equipment for use against Russian troops.

- The Russians attacked the village of Yantarny, which is near Kherson, according to the head of the OVA, Yaroslav Yanushevich.

A shell hit a residential building. 27 died on the spot from his injuries.thy man. A 47-year-old woman was also injured, she was taken to the hospital with shrapnel wounds.

- The German Ministry of Defense has not yet made a decision on the supply of Leopard-2 tanks to Ukraine, and Marder BMPs will be delivered by the end of the quarter.

"We will make sure that by the end of the first quarter 40 Marder and the Ukrainian military prepared for their use will go to Ukraine", – said the head of the military department Christina Lambrecht at a press conference.

- The IAEA intends to place its inspectors at all Ukrainian nuclear power plants during the visit of the head of the agency, Rafael Grossi, to Ukraine, — newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

According to her information, the IAEA plans to place two or three observers at the Rivne, Khmelnitsky, South-Ukrainian nuclear power plants and in the area of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

- Time for awesome bedtime stories: in Stuttgart (Germany) a barren man asked his neighbor to impregnate his wife.

And everything would be fine, but neighbor Frank Maus tried to conceive a child 72 times, but nothing came of it, although he has a wife and two children.

After that, he went to the doctor and as it turned out, Frank was also barren, and his children – from another lover of his wife.

- A 13-year-old teenager cut a Christmas tree in the city center to surprise a girl.

A young resident of the city of Bolgrad, Odessa region, in order to impress his girlfriend, decided to give her the most beautiful Christmas tree in the city for the New Year holidays. A 13-year-old boy cut down a tree on the central avenue.

Since the young "Romeo" has not reached the age of 14, from which criminal liability begins, the court ordered his parents to be punished.

- It won't take long to become a believer.

- Russians, you need to know this. A cool school was opened in Yakutia. Cost — two X-101 missiles launched towards Ukraine. The money spent on the war could build 3330 such schools

</ p>

- Another base from one of the Alberts

- Soledar specifically tried to take 10 months to lull the attention of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And now you can show your real strength as a hero

- Russian traditionalists be like

- A new manual was sent to the clowns)

- Russian IT is at risk

- Wounded Russian soldiers are massively returned to the front without the permission of doctors

In & nbsp; Russia began to return wounded servicemen to the combat zone without the decision of the military medical commission, reports "Agency". According to the publication, instead of rehabilitation, undertreated patients are again sent to the front — two cases were previously reported by the head of the organization "Dr. Lisa's Fair Aid"; Olga Demicheva.

"Agency" writes that these are not isolated cases — after the start of the invasion of Ukraine in Russia, the system of assigning categories of fitness for service was literally destroyed. It is the military medical commissions that assign the category G (timedefinitely not  fit, needs treatment) or Y (unfit with deregistration). However, the opinion of the commission often does not excite the commanders of the units: they send the military to the front immediately after hospitalization without issuing conclusions from the doctors.

Responsible secretary of the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers Valentina Melnikova said that two military men who had been treated for two months after severe lung injuries were told by their commanders that they would be sent to the front line instead of a commission. The same was said to several more military men with shrapnel wounds to their limbs, while the fragments from their bodies were not removed. In addition, the organization is aware of cases of return to the war of patients with ulcers and those who suffered heart attacks and strokes even before the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

The  Union of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers claims that the Russian military has a special document that they are guided by when sending the undertreated to war. The  organizations say that this document is non-public, and contains the phrase: "Medical examination of citizens called up for military service for mobilization, are carried out according to column III of the disease schedule." «A this is the column "officer", there everyone is fit for service», — Melnikov said.

Telegram Lyubov Sobol

- For such accomplices, Konashenkov personally destroyed 4 pieces.

based on:

- Inflation is slowing down in the USA. The "Trumpist Spring" that Putin hoped for is being postponed

- Bring more

- The Russian state has more plans for your children than you can imagine

- Supertechnologies of the 21st century that Silicon Valley never dreamed of

It would be necessary to knock on the Apple to nailed them the corporate account from which the application.

- But Europe is freezing

- Soledar 5 months ago vs Soledar today. Orc liberators freed people from life

- Creatively killed his mother? So solemnly buried?

- announced the premature announcement of the capture of Soledar

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