Former collectors opened ATMs in front of passers-by

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
11 January 2023

Two former collectors came up with an ingenious scheme. Their friend got a job as a security guard in stores and peeped access codes. Later, friends put on uniforms and pulled out all the money from the ATM. All this happened in front of passers-by.

Two former colleagues came up with the perfect scheme to get rich. Men aged 30 and 36 knew the whole scheme and technique of behavior. Friends accepted another member into their company: he got a job as a security guard and peeped access codes to the vault, later two put on a uniform. The same guard acted as the driver. Having taken the money, the false collectors left to burn the uniform.

According to investigators, the "gentlemen" were involved in two robberies in April and December 2019. The total revenue is about 18 million, which sponsored a beautiful life: Mercedes, casinos, travel. Now the three defendants are awaiting a court decision, according to Mash.

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