The most interesting archaeological finds of the outgoing year (11 photos)
It seems that there are practically no secrets left on our planet and riddles. But archaeological finds made in 2022 prove the opposite. And open wide prospects for scientists and all who love mysterious and unknown.
Tuscan statues
The collection of statues of the Etruscan-Roman period is perfectly preserved thanks to a double reliable coating - a dense layer of dirt and sources with thermal water.
The Endurance, on which explorer Ernest Shackleton tried to get to Antarctica, was practically not destroyed and located on the seabed off the coast of Antarctica.
Basque writing
At the moment, this find is a hand found in Spain with five words on it is the oldest example of Basque writing.
Aztec treasures
More than 2.5 thousand items of Aztec culture, including religious objects, figurines, dishes and more, found in Mexico at at the foot of an Aztec temple.
Ancient Venus
Microcomputed tomography with ultrahigh With permission, an archaeologist from Vienna found out the age of this statue. She is about 30 thousand years, and it comes from a region located in the north Italy.
Ancient Turkish bas-relief
It is possible that on this bas-relief, whose age is about 11 thousand years, depicts the oldest of all known today narrative scenes.
Fayum portraits
In the Egyptian city of Faiyum, portraits were found that date back to the time of Ptolemy.
Ivory comb
On this comb, made of ivory, in Canaanite the inscription "Let this fang pluck the lice from the hair and from the beard" is carved. The accessory was made around 1700 BC.
golden necklace
British scientists found this unique necklace during excavations in Northamptonshire. Jewelry consisting of coins, gold, pendants and beads, about 1300 years old.
Lost temples
Unidentified people found in Bandhavgarh reserve in India buildings that turned out to be Buddhist temples. Exact age failed to install. According to preliminary data, it may vary from the 2nd century BC to the 5th century AD.