Kanga: China's wisdom in non-standard punishment (8 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 16
23 December 2022

In Rus', petty criminals were treated with standard ways: beat with whips, tear nostrils, into shackles and hard labor. At Asians have their own way of seeing the world. And the punishments in it since ancient times were specific. With a kind of philosophical overtones, so that both shamefully and painfully was, and sit and think, dear man.

So kanga. Has an ancient history. Translation into Russian like a “yoke”, but, in fact, is something like a block worn on the neck. At the same time, the hands of the punished can either simply bind or attach to the block itself or anywhere else on the body. Or just leave free.

Looks like it's not all that scary. Not a chain with a weight and not a shackle. But on in fact, any habitual action with such a design on the neck is given very hard. Even eating on your own is impossible, unless someone feed. That is, to constant gravity and pressure on the muscles and skeleton there is also a permanent feeling of hunger and thirst. After all, goodwill is not will constantly stand nearby to feed and water at the first call.

Lying is impossible. So, sleep is only sitting. Pretty fast kanga begins to erase the skin, and then the muscle, provoking a terrible continuous pain from which you can not get rid of. And then death. But knowing about this side effect, the period for wearing the pads was set such that the punished did not go to the forefathers, if such goals were not set. Usually from a few weeks to three months.

But kanga was more often than not the icing on the cake. And preceded its wearing other types of corporal punishment. Usually spanking. If the offender is malicious or especially distinguished himself, he was continued periodically beat and already in the process of punishment. Even pocket the executioner was assigned to the criminal, so that he, with a given frequency, or randomly reminded by spanking about what he had done.

The reason was often written on kang - a description of a crime or faults that led the unfortunate man into the embrace of the stock. Especially malicious villains also had to wear a bell on their hand. He announced the approach of the villain, whom the people, of course, did not meet flowers and sweets, but spitting, kicking and screaming from a silent supervisor's consent. And if there was none, then the criminal did not could do nothing. So the kanga also played a role in parallel kind of pillory.

Kanggu was chained regardless of gender and age. could use even group punishment for several criminals. But, I must say, not everyone was punished in this way, but only really distinguished citizens: thieves, robbers, embezzlers, in including from among the officials and the nobility (which is logical, because a simple people had no access to the state treasury). That is, we go we disgrace ourselves, reflect on our bad behavior, draw conclusions. Punishment was used in China until the beginning of the last century.

What do you think, would some adapted form of kanga take root in modern realities?

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