Scientists have developed a robops that can walk on the ceiling (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: IT technologies
23 December 2022

In South Korea, they created a robot dog with magnetic pads on "legs" that allow it to attach to walls and ceilings. MARVEL four-legged robot developed by the Korea Institute of Advanced technology, can climb up a wall at a speed of 0.5 m/s and move along the ceiling at a speed of 0.6 m/s.

MARVEL (magnetic grip robot for universal and fast movement) is designed as a typical robotic dog with four legs and torso stuffed with electronics.

Unlike other robot dogs, this one has built-in electromagnets made in the form of a rubber non-slip pad for legs that stick to the surface

The robot weighs 8 kg and can carry about 3 kg of cargo on its back. And able to work without a leash.

The legs of the device are magnetized and demagnetized on demand. Switching between two settings allows the robot to hold one leg attached to the wall or ceiling and at the same time rearrange another. According to the developers, MARVEL moves in the image and likeness gecko climbing the surface. "Features of the design of the foot allow him to apply great efforts to the surface, without tearing off, not slipping and not tipping over the foot,” the study says.

Outwardly, MARVEL may look like a killer robo-dog from the series "Black Mirror", but, as planned by the developers, will be used exclusively for peaceful purposes - for the repair of bridges, ships, industrial tanks and buildings with steel structures.

Robot testing on the curved surface of an industrial tank passed successfully. MARVEL coped: did not slip, did not tip over, because its magnetic "paws" provided sufficient holding power.

The study was published in the journal ScienceRobotics.

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