12 photos of unusual topiary trees from San Francisco (13 photos)

Category: Nature
23 December 2022

Shrubs and trees that have become sculptures.

Modern man tries to live in harmony with nature, and artists even manage to create and create paintings using trees, grass and earth. For example, such paintings are created by Stan Hurd:

However, you don't have to be an artist to create. something in harmony with nature. Lots of people are interested in landscaping. creating whole gardens in their yard. But here, everyone is completely different. taste: someone grows all kinds of flowers and lays out flower beds, trying, so that the lawns near the house look like forests, and someone is in love with shrub sculpture or topiary. We found one place for inspiration: these are Californian cities. No, this is not our invention, oh infatuation with the people of San Francisco and Los Angeles say some photographers. For example, Briton Marc Alcock, who moved to California a few years ago, was amazed at how much the locals passionate about their bushes. He went to the streets of San Francisco to capture all the variety of vegetation near the houses.

Mark could go to the ocean and film it

However, he was struck by the usual sleeping areas

According to the photographer, the California suburb has a completely unique relationship with nature.

People surround their houses with plants, turning them into geometric shapes.

Each house is different here, and the bushes around are also different.

Some houses are completely hidden behind the greenery, they seem to be absorbed by nature.

At that time, other cottages are decorated with small, minimalist bushes.

Alcock believes that houses and their design reflect something personal for each owner.

And this photo is another photographer - Alan George (Alan W. George)

He, too, could not pass by the topiaries, dedicating a series of photos to them Domesticated, or "Domesticated"

Alan was struck by people's attempts to control plants and manipulate nature.

Therefore, his pictures were taken with a share of humor.

And which plants do you prefer: perfectly trimmed trees or atmospheric bushes surrounded by flowers?

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