Muscovite accidentally saved a woman who gave birth in the entrance

Category: Video, Eyewitness
21 December 2022

In the north-west of Moscow, a man accidentally saved a woman who went into rapid labor. She lost a lot of blood and begged for help.

The hero of the story, Vladimir, told SHOT that at night two guys ran up to his car, which stopped on Marshal Zhukov Avenue, and said that they heard women's cries for help in the entrance. They showed the entrance and ran away. Why they didn't come to the rescue is unclear.

Entering the entrance, Vladimir saw a pale girl on the stairs of the upper floor.

She said that a few minutes ago she gave birth to a baby and went to seek help. The man immediately called an ambulance. While the ambulance was driving, the man made sure that the baby was breathing, moving his fingers and screaming, then he ran downstairs to meet the doctors.

The doctors carefully cut the umbilical cord, wrapped the baby warmer and took him with his mother to the perinatal center. It turned out that my mother is 26 years old, she came to the capital from Armavir. The son was born a month ahead of schedule with a weight of under three kilos. Both patients are now under medical supervision.

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