The parents, hoping for a cure, placed their daughter in the hospital. But they didn’t see her again (6 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
19 December 2022

If you do not take action, then it will harm others and yourself. So said the doctor, and they obeyed. The same night, the 17-year-old girl disappeared.

The family lived in the small Spanish city of Alicante. One morning Gloria Martinez Ruiz woke up in a bad mood, refused to eat, did not wanted to go to classes (the girl was a student at the conservatory).


Well, everyone has a decadent mood. But for the next morning all over again. As well as a week and a month later. Gloria's parents They tried to help their daughter, but they couldn't do anything. The girl fell into a state of panic, anxiety, tore things, spoiled furniture, hardly slept and couldn't eat.

It became clear that on their own with the situation deal. The Ruiz family was recommended an excellent specialist - a psychiatrist Maria Victoria Soler. The doctor just specialized in teenagers and young people.

After examining the patient, Soler made a diagnosis: caused by overwork in connection with the preparation for the exams a lot of stress. Hospitalization is necessary because Gloria could harm herself or relatives. Or simply die from developing anorexia.

The same clinic

The parents agreed, and on October 29, 1992, they took their daughter to a private clinic owned by Soler herself.

The institution did not have a license to provide psychiatric care. According to the documents, the clinic was listed as a nursing home. Things went on with the psychiatrist it doesn’t matter, and she decided to improve her financial situation in this way: services cost a lot. But do parents regret something for happiness and your child's health?

The girl had a hysterical fit when she realized that stay in the room alone. She even tried to run out after the car. parents, but the staff twisted the fragile Gloria. And she was injected with a lethal dose haloperidol, a drug that turns even violent lunatics into quiet apathetic creatures.

At night, Gloria asked to use the toilet. Nurses on duty untied her. The patient rushed to the window, jumped out and disappeared into the darkness. The establishment was outside the city, in a wooded area. And not it was worth even trying to find a person there in the darkness of the night.

This version was voiced by women. Do not trust them, it would seem not there were reasons: certified qualified nurses with a solid experience. There were no other witnesses to the incident.

In the morning the police were called and the search began. But to no avail. Revealed cameras and interviewed all the drivers who drove that night on the only highway near the forest. No hooks. However, no one can to ensure that there was no monster among law-abiding citizens in human form, who nevertheless put the half-mad girl in hospital gown in your car.

The territory of the clinic was also thoroughly searched: it was impossible rule out that the medical profession was too drastic in trying to calm the patient, overdid it and accidentally killed her. But not alive hidden Gloria, nor the places where they tried to bury the body, were found.

Parents categorically refused to believe in explanations personnel. A fragile girl under drugs climbed over a high fence over two meters? In addition, she suffered from high myopia. And without glasses that remained in the ward would hardly have gotten out of hospital yard.

Maria's colleagues added fuel to the fire, saying that the psychiatrist misdiagnosed (wrongly or on purpose). And therapy is quite could be done at home. The city began to whisper about clandestine laboratory for the removal and sale of organs.

The police denied the involvement of the staff in the disappearance after completion of the investigation. It has been 30 years since the girl went missing. A business closed, but the patient is still listed as missing.

The grief of the family from the loss has not become weaker during this time. Isabelle and Alvaro, the parents of the missing patient, claimed to leave their daughter clinic, she would return home. To them, beloved younger sister, classes the music she loved. Moreover, despite the problems with psyche, she was always organized, scrupulous, planned everything and systematized.

The court ruled for substantial compensation in favor of sevenand for improper provision of medical services. But this is very little consolation. AND the disappearance of the girl remained one of the darkest and saddest secrets of sunny Spain.

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