russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for December 15

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
16 December 2022

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- No rest for the Russians

"Khokhly" among us,” they say, and shy away from passers-by in the streets.

But quite recently, "Kyiv in three days" took

- In Russia, the families of the victims are openly mocked

No more dreaming about Lada

- Import substitution they deserve

The Soviet Union they were waiting for, 2.0

- From the creators of negative growth.

Meet: positive contraction!

- "Sent to ***" — Moscow deputy posted a report on the work.

Deputy of the Basmanny district Pavel Ivanov posted a full report on the work done in his channel — only 150 tasks.

In one of the paragraphs, a request to the mayor's office about an abandoned hospital was noted. There is no good news for the hospital from the mayor's office

- Putin is trying to postpone the moment of recognition of Russia's defeat in the war against Ukraine, — ISW.

Vladimir Putin has postponed his annual address to the federal assembly as he is unsure if he can continue to shape the Russian media space amid growing criticism of his handling of the invasion of Ukraine.

- A resolution was submitted to the US House of Representatives calling for Russia's exclusion from the UN Security Council, — foreign policy.

Russia, unleashing a war of aggression, violated the UN Charter, which casts doubt on its right to take a seat in the Security Council, the text of the resolution says.

- NATO and the EU will soon call on the Kremlin to withdraw the army from Ukraine, — Politico.

Leaders of countries that are members of the European Union and NATO have prepared an official appeal to the aggressor country, Russia − immediately stop the war against Ukraine and withdraw the occupying troops from the Ukrainian lands.

- Russia loses in Ukraine, — FT referring to Admiral Tony Radakin.

"Russia has failed and will continue to lose in all its military purposes", — Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, Chief of the Defense Staff, said in a speech in London, adding that "it will only get worse for Russia" from now on.

- Pynya will use nuclear weapons in an attempt to seize the Crimea, — British newspaper The Guardian.

“Keeping Crimea is so valuable to Putin that if he felt it was slipping out of his hands, he could act on his threat to deploy tactical nuclear weapons,” — writes the publication.

- In Ukraine, there is still a shortage of electricity, the situation is complicated by snowfall, icing and strong gusts of wind, Ukrenergo reports.

In some areas, emergency shutdowns have been introduced due to exceeding consumption limits.

- The number of requests "how to surrender" has sharply increased among Russians.

So, from November 28 to December 4, such a phrase in the Yandex search engine driven in more than 66 thousand times. This is a record weekly figure for the last six months.

The increase in requests in November coincides with the arrival of large groups of mobilized to the front and reports of significant losses among them.

- Zelensky's apartment in Crimea will be nationalized, — so-called "Head" of the Crimea Sergey Aksyonov.

"On principle, it is from him that we will take away and someonegive», — he declared.

- Did you order missiles for 560 km? British Defense Minister Ben Wallace did not rule out the possibility of supplying Ukraine with Storm Shadow aircraft cruise missiles (560km).

- Ukraine will be able to reach the borders on February 23 if it has 300 tanks, about 700 infantry fighting vehicles and half a thousand howitzers. However, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are already planning a new major operation (!), — Commander-in-Chief Zaluzhny.

The Commander-in-Chief added that "with such resources that Ukraine has now, we cannot conduct new major operations," although the Armed Forces of Ukraine are currently working on one of them. According to him, this operation is "already on the way."

- The Russians are preparing 200 thousand soldiers. I have no doubt that they will again go to Kyiv, — Zaluzhny.

"The Russian mobilization has worked. It's not true that their problems are so dire that these people won't fight. They will fight. The Tsar tells them to go to war and they go to fight. They may not be as well equipped, but they are all are equally problematic for us. According to our estimates, they have a reserve of 1.2-1.5 million people ... ".

- Ukraine will not need a new big wave of mobilization.

"We have enough people, and I clearly see what I have. I have enough. I don't need hundreds of thousands. We need tanks, we need armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles. And we need ammunition", — Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Zaluzhny.

- Russia will definitely achieve the restoration of new territories, — dust.

Now the clown has accelerated.

- Only Putin can change the war from military to diplomatic, — Vladimir Zelensky in an interview with The Economist (

"If Putin retreats now to the borders of 1991, then a possible path of diplomacy will begin... The sooner the war ends, and if Russia chooses the path of recognizing the tragic mistake of its beginning, the longer the Russian president will save his life and the life of his entourage."

- RF Armed Forces plan to launch the next big offensive in February, — Defense Minister Reznikov in an interview with the Guardian.

At the same time, according to the data voiced by him, of the 300 thousand mobilized, half have already gone to the occupation troops on the territory of Ukraine, and another half — is receiving some training and will be used during this offensive, and the Kremlin leadership is also preparing the next wave of mobilization.

- Since the beginning of the war, 10 generals have been dismissed from the Armed Forces of Ukraine "due to inconsistency", another one shot himself, — Zaluzhny in an interview with The Economist.

“I trust my generals. I believe Syrsky (Commander of the Ground Forces of Ukraine). If he tells me that he needs an extra team, then he really needs an extra team, — he added.

- confirm the issuance of subpoenas in Belarus

Mostly citizens of Belarus are asked to come to the military registration and enlistment office "to clarify the data." They check phone numbers, address, registration, place of work, and also specify the sizes of clothes and shoes. This happens in the fall and everywhere.

Also, there are announcements on the streets asking to come to the military registration and enlistment office.

- #losses of invaders as of 15.12

+ 590 dead of the RF Armed Forces over the past day:

Su-24M PMC «Wagner», crew commander - Antonov Alexander Sergeevich

navigator - Nikishin Vladimir Nikolaevich

pilot Captain Anton Pimakhov

Senior Lieutenant Mikhail Chausov

Senior Lieutenant Andrey Kulikov

- Other butThere will be no annual costumes in Russia this year

- Rush caused damage to the infrastructure of Ukraine in the amount of $136 billion. The largest number of losses were incurred by the energy infrastructure, industry, state and private enterprises.

Compared to the report since September, the amount of losses of industrial enterprises increased by $3 billion to $13 billion, while energy infrastructure losses increased to $6.8 billion.

- The EU has agreed on the ninth package of sanctions against Russia.

It will be officially approved by noon on December 16, when the written procedure is completed, Reuters reports citing a European diplomat.

- Power plants of Ukraine will be protected from drones by special sensors, – head of the National Police.

"We are working on installing cameras and sound sensors that will detect objects like a drone or a missile and notify the air defense forces about them"

- rf want to call up to the army of labor migrants from Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, – General Staff.

At the same time, there are about six million such cases on the territory of Russia;

- Welcome to Ukraine, suka

- The number of requests with the phrase "how to surrender" in the Russian Federation has increased significantly

Such a phrase in "Yandex" was entered more than 66 thousand times a week.

At the same time, I remind the Russians who want to stay alive about the functioning of the "hot line"; +380936886888.

By calling it, you can get detailed instructions on how to surrender as safely as possible and, finally, return home alive, use it.

- Generously

- The further, the more interesting fairy tales from the parallel universe

- Ukrainian military before reaching positions in Bakhmut and 5 days after

- Ukrainian drone Shark has been modernized, – Ukrspecsystems company.

The upgraded drone has a wingspan of 3.4 meters and a more powerful battery that allows you to fly up to 4 hours. Now it's twice the time for reconnaissance or adjustment and control of the battlefield.

- Socks, underpants, they have not learned how to make analogues in other subjects

- These are the remains of Russian missiles that fell on residential areas (mainly cluster munitions)

“The Associated Press published a photo showing a huge pile of Russian rockets and missiles that the Russians dropped on Ukrainian Kharkov. "A photo that says more than a thousand words", — former US Army Major John Spencer writes on Twitter.

- Ukrainian 203-mm cannon 2SR "Peony" shoots at the invaders with a projectile weighing 110 kg.

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