Sick fox ran into the yard to the woman, hoping for help (6 photos)

Category: Animals
13 December 2022

A sick fox ran into the yard to the woman, who could hardly open eyes and move normally. His entire muzzle and eyes were covered crust from infection - it was impossible to look at him without pity ..

A resident of the English county of Merseyside called in a panic animal rescuers after seeing a fox on their lawn. However, most of all she was worried about the condition of the animal. The fox could hardly open his eyes because of infection on the muzzle, and looked extremely sad. "He needed urgent help. If he hadn't been reported, he wouldn't have lived long," they said. rescuers.

The Pawprints Wildlife Rescue Center took the male into their caring hands. Volunteers began to take care of him, and gave the nickname Bo. The fox's muzzle was crusted over from advanced scabies and couldn't be looked at without pity. They began to drip special drops into his eyes and conduct other procedures - thanks to them, the fox, fortunately, went on the mend.

In addition, Bo showed an unusual color. First the volunteers thought he was dark in color, but he was so dirty that the true color of the fur could be seen only after a few baths. His coat turned out to be light, and he was diagnosed with leucism (mutation, causing partial loss of pigmentation).

Within a week, Bo's condition improved markedly. He even started to growl on guardians - which was a good sign, because before he could not and normally move. Three weeks later Bo was completely healthy and his released back into the wild. This is how handsome he is:

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